Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 12:21:03 -0800
From: Gwynne S Mayer <>
Newsgroups: alt.astrology.metapsych, alt.psychology.jung,
Subject: Gestalt and Fitting ONE throught an hourglass

Suggestions for helping and counseling others:
In the event you are called upon to help another or counsel with another, here are some quick Gestalt tips...these will be hard to understand unless you have a grasp on Gestalt terminology.

  1. Center yourself/let go of personal business or express it openly (in other words do not let your agenda get confused with the person you are counseling).
    1. Be aware of how your body is responding.
    2. Be aware of your own emotional state.
    3. Dialogue your unfinished business
    4. Be aware of random thoughts and internal dialogues.

    (When you know where you are, only then will you have a chance to separate your projections from your awareness of the other....and be able to getinto their space)

  2. Give up expectations or express them to the person you are counseling.
  3. Give up investments as to the agenda of the session or the person being counseled or at least, admit them to the person.
  4. No guessing/analysing/predicting/etc. Make no assumptions unless you check them out with the person.  All of the guesses, analysis and predictions could be your own predictions, if not checked out.
  5. No trespassing physically, intellectually, or spiritually (maintian permission and clarity to be in someone's space) or inappropriate interruptions of the person's awareness continum on a here and now basis.
  6. Suggest only self-awareness.
  7. Feedback with respect, and owning of your own projections.
  8. Repeat back, using as much of the person's own words.
  9. No judgements, includes clinical analysis, stereotyping, fitting the person into a familiar mold.
  10. Distinguish energy flows and blockages through physical clues...stay as concrete as possible.  Mind, body, soul.
  11. Know universal laws.
  12. Maintain feelings of compassion (learn this without mundane connotations) and objectivity; empathy rather than sympathy.

From: Gwynne S Mayer <>
Newsgroups: alt.astrology.metapsych, alt.psychology.jung, talk.religion.newage
Subject: Gestalt the Wild Pendulum

Gestalt processes association with astrological factors:

Introjection,  Projection, Confluence and Retroflection.

An individual must learn to balance and adjust to fitting his/her boundaries into a socially acceptable gestalt.  Many disturbances in individuals arise from the inability to find and maintain the proper balance between self and the rest of the world, boundaries are the way in which discernment is allowed to protect him/her against the threat of being overcrowded with unnecessary stimulation from the rest of the world.

We have a great need to form these boundaries and a structure, which a chart can facilitate. The ascendant/ Saturn/Mercury/Mars/ Sun can play a part in determining boundaries in an individual, as can all the other planets.  Again, it is necessary to have insight in HOW we can retain those boundaries, but also it is very important to see some of the defense mechanisms we use, and how they apply to our astrological charts.


Introjections are undigested attitudes, ways of acting, feeling and evaluating, that we swallowed whole, usually from our primary caretakers, however anyone who was a main character in our early lives would be a person to whom we looked as a "rule giver".  Introjects are undiscerned pieces of the whole which we  never analysed before we took them into our psychological system; they often form the SHOULDS and OUGHT TO's in our make-up.  To be REAL and in touch with our own integrity and morality we must digest and master what is truly our own, truly a part of the personality.  Bit if we simply accept these rules and beliefs whole-hog and uncritically, on someone else's say so, or because they are fashionable or safe or traditional or unfashionable or dangerous or revolutionary---they lie heavily on us---INTROJECTS BECOME UNDIGESTED...They are still foreign bodies even though they may have taken up residence in our minds.  Many times, one can see blocks of energy around the stomach area (unusual protection of the undigested material). 

In astrology, we can look at the Moon/Saturn axis as being an introjected set of belief systems, the signs they are in and the nature of the signs, planets, and houses, in order to get a scenario about possible introjected beliefs.  This can also be observed in 4th/10th house placements, the fourth being more difficult to discern as it is in the lower hemisphere and is often kept on a subjective level. 

The dangers of introjection are two fold; first of all, the man who introjects never gets a chance to develop his own personality, because he is so busy holding down the foreign bodies he has swallowed whole.  The more introjects he has saddled himself with, the less room there is for him to express or even discover what he himself is..(Sun/ Ascendant)  And in the second place, introjection contributes concepts, you may find yourself torn to bits in the process of trying to reconcile them.  And this is a fairly common experience today.  We end up incorporating into ourselves standards, attitudes, ways of acting and thinking, possibly coming from MOTHER AND FATHER, which are NOT TRULY OURS.  Introjection moves the boundary between ourselves and the rest of the world so far inside ourselves that there is almost nothing of us left. 

An important note, when there is no Saturnian figure in the family, I have noticed that individual's will develop a Spiritual side to introject, that is often more damaging, because of the illusions, or delusions it creates.  This might be noticed by a placement in Neptune in the 4th house or sometimes Neptune in the 10th.  There are many different ways one can look at this, as an astrologer, remembering that they are unconscious belief systems.  I look at clients whose  languaging reflects many shoulds, trying to get permission, etc.  or one who is very angry and does not have anyway of expressing that anger, so it lies in the stomach area.  Women introject many shoulds around HOW YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A MOTHER....SHOULD, SHOULD,..until they have had all they can take and develop a physical ailment in the female parts of the body, breasts, uterus, etc.  The extrication of these introjects and the examining and discernment process need to take place in order for healing to occur.  Identifying the Shoulds, and Ought to Be's in our lives is one great step to solving the extrication.


Boundaries are very diffused when we are confluent, as confluence indicates that the individual feels no boundary at all between himself and his environment, when he feels that he and it are one...he is in CONFLUENCE...Parts and whole are indistinguishable from one another.....The person in whom confluence is a severe state cannot tell what he is or feels and cannot tell what other people are or feel....He feels all of the feelings and all of the emotions and identity, without boundaries.  As he is unaware of the boundary between himself and others, he cannot make good contact with them.  Nor can he withdraw from them.  Indeed, he cannot even make contact with himself....This has serious social consequences too.  In confluence, ONE DEMANDS LIKENESS AND REFUSES TO TOLERATE ANY DIFFERENCES.

We find this in parents whose children become merely extensions of themselves.  Such parents lack the appreciation that their children are bound to be unlike them in at least some respects.  Grammatically, you can pick up confluence to a degree, by the person's over usage of the word "we", speaking for all instead of speaking for SELF.  When one is counseling or listening to another, often there are tears on both sides...or even when tears flow, it is a state of confluence.  Confluence is necessary for a counselor to feel compassion, but also the counselor must have the ability to attatch.  The healer can feel and see into the body...but, must become removed from the body to objectify the knowledge..and do what is necessary to heal...

Neptune is the culprit in Confluence...a postive/negative influence..diffusing of boundaries...when Neptune is on the Ascendant, Neptune conjunct the Sun, Moon...wherever Neptune is there is a struggle for some clarity for the house or planet....The person could become Neptune in his/her dialogues and find the source of the spiritual guidance on a personal level...for that particular area.  I have seen this operate in synastry when one has Neptune on the other's ascendant, Sun or Moon....


Reverse of introjection. As introjection is the tendency to make the self responsible for what actually is part of the environment, so projection is the tendency to make the environment responsible for what originates in the self.   Clinically, we recognize that the disease of paranoia, which is characterized by the development of highly organized system of delusions, is the extreme case of projection.....that is not what we are talking is the projections of which we are all guilty, like the highly aggressive personality who, unable to bear the responsibility for his own wishes, feelings, and desires, attaches them to objects or people in the environment who will hold the projection and fit the pattern beautifully.  A person who feels he is being persecuted unfairly, in fact may be making the statement that he would like to persecute others. 

That which you have tremendous energy to unload on others, is often very true of SELF....In projection, then, we shift the BOUNDARY between ourselves and the rest of the world a little too much in our own favor---in a manner that makes it possible for us to disavow and disown those aspects of our personalities which we find difficult or offensive or unattractive.  And this is very important....IT IS OUR INTROJECTS THAT LEAD US TO THE FEELINGS OF SELF-CONTEMPT AND SELF-ALIENATION THAT PRODUCE PROJECION.   The over-wary, over-cautious person, who tells you he wants friends and wants to be loved, but who tells you at the same time that "you can't trust anyone, they're all out for what they can get," is a projector par excellence.
Projection is an expressive function and has the flavor of first/seventh house axis.  People who are projective most always have a predominant Mars, Aries, Libra, ....much of the energy is squared to Saturn, Uranus, Pluto.....again, this is not set in stone...When working with people listen to how many times they talk ABOUT someone else, either positive or negative, (positive projections are as important to OWN, as are negative ones), they will use You...much of the time, second person in their verbalizations.

GOSSIP is something that Fritz Perls never allowed in the Gestalt it was about someone to someone else..instead of face to face, projections run rampant in gossip.  There are several signs that are noted for participating in gossip and will often disown their projections, Gemini, Sagittarius and Virgo have a tendency to talk ABOUT..rather than first person and directly to the person on whom the projection falls.  Gestalt work is a very hard-nosed therapy, but, it really stresses HONESTY WITH SELF. If we clean up our own psychology, then, it makes the world a better and more ethical place to be, because we are essentially not going around messing on other people with our projections.  Ask yourself before you are making a judgment of another, are you sure that it is not YOU, THAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT?


The last of the Gestalt defense mechanisms...we use to set boundaries... Retroflection, literally means "turning back sharply against."  The retroflector knows how to draw a boundary line between himself and the environment,  and he draws a neat and clean one right down the middle--but he draws it down the middle of himself.  THE INTROJECTOR DOES AS OTHERS WOULD LIKE HIM TO DO, THE PROJECTOR DOES UNTO OTHERS WHAT HE ACCUSES THEM OF DOING TO HIM, THE CONFLUENT PERSON DOESN'T KNOW WHO IS DOING WHAT TO WHOM, AND THE RETROFLECTOR DOES TO HIMSELF WHAT HE WOULD LIKE TO DO TO OTHERS.
When a person retroflects behavior, he treats himself as he originally wanted to treat other persons or objects.  He stops directing his energies outward in attempts to manipulate and bring about changes in the environment that will satisfy his needs; instead, he redirects his activity inwards and substitutes himself in place of the environment as the target for behavior. To the extent that he does this, he splits his personality into doer and done to.  He literally becomes his own worse energy.
       Again the grammatical usage of the client can reveal which of the processes is working at any given moment...As introjection displays itself in the use of the pronoun "I" when the real meaning is "they;" as projection displays itself in the use of the pronouns,  "you", "it", or "they,"  when the real meaning is "I"  as confluence displays itself in the use of the pronount "we" when the real meaning is in question;  so retroflection displays itself in the use of the reflective, "myself"...The retroflector says, "I am ashamed of myself," or "I have to force myself to do this job." He makes an almost endless series of statements of this sort, all of them based on the surprising conception that he and himself are two different people. Astrological formations which indicate retroflection, but not always, are Mars/Saturn, Mars/Uranus, Mars/Pluto, Mars/Neptune...and Mars/Mercury conflicts...Another area is to look closely at bodily retroflections which occur...this can be seen in the above, or 6th, 12th, and ascendant influences.  I will go into greater depth on how to read the body and look at the significators, as I go on with this strand.....