Impulse Reorganization

Playtest Warning

This has been playtested by me (Dave) for 2 game years of a Fascist Tide game. It seemed to work well for that, but I do not yet claim this is bug-free. It is a tremendous change in the game - use at your own risk!

(P.S. Here is a short form for printing.)

11.18 Reoganization

(replaces entire section)

In the reorganization step, you can turn some face-down units face-up. This will permit them to move and attack again in later impulses. Note that 13.5 Final reorganization step no longer allows any face-down units to flip face-up. All reorganziation takes place at the end of impulses. Units which are face down at the end of the turn remain face down until reorganized, and units which return to base in the final return to base phase are left face down unit reorganized during a future turn.

Reorganization points

Every impulse, every major power accrues a number of reorganization points (RPs) equal to the number of build points spent last game turn (but not those saved). Additionally, a major power may spend build points to obtain more RPs next game turn. Each build point spent increases next turn's RPs for that major power by 2. This expenditure is subject to gearing limits.

RPs may not be saved from impulse to impulse; any unused RPs are lost. Cooperating major powers may freely reorganize each other's units using their own RPs. Minor country units must use RPs available to their controlling major power. A major power may never dispense more RPs than it has no matter what.

How to reorganize units

Every unit requires a number of RPs in order to reorganize. Naval units need a number of RPs equal to their first round build point cost. Air units need a number of RPs equal to the air frame's build point cost. Land units (including supply units and HQs) need a number of RPs equal to the unit's total build point cost. (Note: you no longer double a unit's cost due to impulse choice or due to the fact that it was reorganzied by another MP.)

Units must trace a basic supply path to a supply source to receive RPs (exceptions: ATR reorganization, Railway reorganization, TRS reorganization, below). Various supply sources may reorganize units each impulse as follows, subject to total available RPs. Units that are shattered need to be reorganized twice, but may only be reorganized once per impulse.

In all cases (exceptions: Supply unit reorganization, Offensive chits and reorganization, below) subtract the RPs used to reorganize the unit(s) from the total available RPs this impulse for the major power doing the reorganizing.

11.18.1 ATR reorganization

An air reorganization mission allows you to turn a unit face up by flying an ATR to its hex.

To fly air reorganiztion

1. your opponent flies fighters on combat air partol to potential target hexes;

2. you fly all your selected ATRs and escorting fighters to the target hexes;

3. your opponent flies intercepting fighters to the target hexes;

4. you fly intercepting fighters to the target hexes;

5. fight any air-to-air combats;

6. suriviving ATRs suffer anti-aircraft fire from AA units (AsA option 3, see 22.4.2);

7. suriving ATRs provide air reorganiztion;

8. return all remaining aircraft to base and turn them face down.

Each surviving ATR may dispense the RPs needed to reorganize 1 unit (Option 36: 'large' ATRs may provide the RPs needed to reorganize 2 units if the ATR has not flown over half its range to that hex).

11.18.2 HQ reorganization

A face up HQ can provide the RPs needed to reorganize a number of units equal to its reorganization value. (Note: units need only trace a basic supply path to the HQ, not be in its ZOC.) Turn the HQ face down after reorganizing the units. An HQ which flips over to reorganize units may not itself be reorganized that impulse, nor may it be used as a secondary supply source for reorganization that impulse (see below).

11.18.3 Limited supply source reorganization

Limited supply sources may provide RPs to reorganize 1 unit per impulse if the limited supply source is in supply. (Note that the basic supply length to a limited source is 0, so units will have to be positioned directly on a limited source hex and be in supply in order to be reorganized.)

11.18.4 Overseas reorganization

Units tracing overseas must trace via a port or coastal HQ. Only 1 unit per impulse may trace a basic supply path through a minor port or HQ on the coast in order to receive RPs. Any number of units may trace via a major port. Exception: MAR units on a coastal hex do not need to trace via a port or HQ (but all other units on a coast must so trace, even though they are able to trace a basic supply path.)

Example: German units have invaded the UK, seizing Harwich, a minor port. Only 1 unit per impulse can receive RPs overseas until the Germans capture another port or position an HQ on the coast (the Germans may of course employ ATR, HQ or TRS reorganization as well).

11.18.5 Primary supply source reorganization

Up to 2 units per impulse which can trace a basic supply path to a primary supply source can receive RPs from the major power controlling that supply source.

11.18.6 Railway reorganization

A major power may utilize any unused rail moves to rail RPs to units. Each rail move allows 1 unit to receive RPs to reorganize it. The unit to be reorganized must be able to trace a railway supply path back to the supply source (but this does not reduce the source's ability to reorganize units.) Railway reorganization may be used in conjunction with overseas reorganiztion, subject to the limits there.

Example: an American unit in German-conquered France is able to trace a railway path back to La Rochelle and overseas to the USA. This costs a rail move, and La Rochelle is not able to coordinate the RPs for any other unit this impulse.

11.18.7 Secondary supply source reorganization

Any in supply secondary supply source may provide the RPs needed to reorganize 1 unit per impulse. This includes HQ units, which do not need to flip face down if reorganizing only 1 unit via secondary supply reorganization.

11.18.8 Supply unit reorganization

A face up supply unit can be expended (destroyed) and allow 3 units that can trace a basic supply path back to the supply unit (and regardless of whether the supply unit or any unit which it reorganizes is in normal supply) to reorganize. Units reorganized by an expended supply unit do not count against RP limits that impulse - the supply unit itself is doing the reorganization.

11.18.9 TRS reorganization

A face up TRS at sea may dispense the RPs needed to reorganize 1 unit. The unit must be in a coastal hex bordering the sea zone the TRS occupies. TRS reorganization may be provided to any unit on the coast, no need to trace via a port or coastal HQ.

11.18.10 Offensive chits and reorganization

Air action

The HQ which was used to play the chit may reorganize air units at half the usual RP cost that impulse.

Naval action

No change here. The naval units are freely reorged by the chit play and do not count against that turn's RP limits.

Land action

The HQ which was used to play the chit may reorganize land units at half the usual RP cost that impulse.

Combined action

Any HQ which uses HQ reorganization may reorganize any units at half the usual RP cost that impulse.

Reorganize HQs

If a chit is played to reorganize HQs, they are flipped face up at no RP cost.

Example: It is July/August 1944, and the Allies have just finished their impulse and want to reorganize some units. The USA and CW have various units ashore in northern France. 1 British INF in Rouen traces an overseas path via Rouen back to Newcastle, costing 3 RPs. A British PARA in Rouen traces an overseas path via Le Havre back to Newcastle as well, costing 5 RPs. Neither minor port can coordinate the reorganization of other units, nor may Newcastle do any more reorganizing, as 2 units have traced to it. A British ATR flies to Rouen and reorganizes the American ARMdiv there, costing 4 RPs for the CW. A MOT unit in Boulogne traces out via that minor port to Hull to reorganize, costing 4 more RPs. Monty is in hex 1332 and decides to reorganize the 3 units he is allowed to reorganize: a FTR, MOT, and 3 point LND, total cost 9 RPs. Back in the UK, two 4 point LNDs get reorganized by London, costing 8 Rps. The CW has used 33 RPs - it probably doesn't have too many left.

Background/Purpose: WiF's magical end of turn reorganization method is a terrific abstraction that every so often bothers me. Why do supplies get through on the 31st of every other the month? Why do units start the turn always face up? After exploring at least 8 different impulse reorganization systems with Dean (not to mention numerous sub-permutations), I am pleased to say that this one works ... I think... and it is quite fun. Best of all, this actually speeds up play, my playtesting has shown. No longer does the beginning of a new turn give you that feeling of omnipotence, best characterized by "I can do anything ... now what do I want to do?", which is normally followed by half an hour of making plans to optimize usage of every piece you own.

Dave's Notes: This will take some getting used to, but if you think in terms of operations, including stand-by availability, you'll catch on quickly. When you ready troops to do something, it takes some planning and choices. Do you spend your RPs reorganizing your naval units that you returned to base last turn first, or do you reorganize your land units to try to push forward (or defend) somewhere? Areas in the heat of battle will tend to dominate your reorganizations, but the player who is able to project activity in far-flung theathers can gain the additional benefit of forcing his opponent to guess where the next strike will be and be ready for it. For example, a German player attacking Russia may well choose to focus all available reorganizations to that theater. This choice has at least 2 negative consequences: the western Allies will realize that German air and naval units that are face down are not about to be turned face up, and will gain freedom of activity to, say repeatedly bomb Germany, or perhaps launch an offensive in North Africa. Meanwhile, German reorgs in the USSR have to be coordinated by a mix of rail moves, and ATRs, and especially HQs. If these resources are constantly used to reorganize units, German strategic mobility will be greatly reduced: no rail moves will be available to bring forward reinforcements, no ATRs will be available for paradrops or air transport, and the HQs will be able to move only 50% of the time if doing optimal reorganizations.


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