Siegfried WIF

Welcome to the Siegfried WIF page. Here are the brainchilds of Siegfried Nelson, WIF muser extraordinaire. His focus is on detailing the units for all of WIF in order to extend the game into the 1946 to 1949 period. To that end he has detailed actually built or planned naval and aircraft units, and many gun land units as well. Corps have not (yet) been fleshed out, though there are a few in here.

Now, most of the below are not ready at this time. However, all of Siegfried's units are included as part of the new units for my Drang Nach Osten scenario. Check them (plus others I added for that scenario )out here!

Axis Major Powers
GermanyNot yet ready
JapanNot yet ready
Allied Major Powers
United States of AmericaNot yet ready
Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsReady!
CommonwealthNot yet ready
FranceNot yet ready
ChinaNot yet ready
Everyone Else
MinorsNot yet ready