Explorations of the Causes, Conduct, and Consequences of World War II

Dates: Sunday, August 10 through Sunday, August 17, 1997

Location: Johnson & Wales University, Providence, RI, USA

What is WIFCON?

WIFCON is a combination of historical symposia and a wargaming tournament for World in Flames, the definitive strategic level World War II wargame. Additionally, the Australian Design Group (ADG) will be releasing new products at WIFCON. Full services and other entertainments are planned so your whole family is welcome!

Every weekday a guest speaker will speak on some topic relevant to the Second World War. Thus far both John Pratos (author of Combined Fleet Decoded) and Frank Uhlig (author of How Navies Fight) have committed to come and other speakers are being invited. A panel of historians, including the above two gentlemen, is being put together to debate and discuss the merits of the two American naval campaigns that drove across the Pacific Ocean in World War II: were they mutually supporting?, or mutually debilitating?

ADG plans on releasing America Aflames and the WIF Annual at WIFCON. Additionally, Harry Rowland will take his turn at the podium to discuss ADG plans for the future.

The WIF Tournament

Most of the week will of course be spent playing WIF under the auspices of the annual WIF Tournament. With a full week at our disposal, full WiF games are possible! Those who attend for less than the full week are welcome to play shorter scenarios, or have a full-speed crack at the full campaign. Players are welcome to come with their own group of friends to play, or to come and be matched up with others rated similarly to themselves. Tournament rules are currently being discussed, and full details on them will be published early in 1997 so you can get in a game or two of preparation! ADG giants Harry Rowland and Greg Pinder will be leading a team of crack Australian WIF players against a top team of Americans organized by Larry Whalen.

Facilities and Services

WIFCON's host is Johnson & Wales, a hospitality college located in Providence. Johnson & Wales are offering rooms for convention attendees. Both brunch and dinner (all you can eat) are included.

Johnson & Wales is also organizing transportation services (including to and from the airport) and other entertainment options. Activities may include day trips to Block Island, lovely Newport, or the nearby casinos. Other possibilities include video rooms for movies in the evening (possibly one for children, a second for showing some WW2 epic film). Die-hard WIF fans may have something else to do during the day, but your families will be entertained!

How Do I Sign Up?

WIFCON Convention Registration

To register for the convention, please do one of the following:

Fill in the first column with information about yourself. If you are signing up for some friends, fill in their info in separate columns, one per person.

Your InformationSecond RegistrantThird Registrant
Street Address:
Postal Code:
Dates Attending:
Charge Card Info (for fax only)
include type, exp. date, number, name spelling:

The fax number is also Larry's phone number if you have further questions. Information packets will be sent to convention attendees, including WIF tournament rules.

WIFCON Convention Fees*

Registration for the convention itself will be:

$10/day if you register by July 10, 1997

$12/day if you register later, or wish to pay on daily basis at the door

* - please note that convention fees cover the administration and speaker costs. WIFCON is not intended to be a for-profit venture.

Guest Room Reservations

(This info needs updating and will be updated shortly!)

Johnson & Wales Lodging & Board Fees

(This info needs updating and will be updated shortly too!)

Any questions? Drop Larry a line and ask him!

Thanks -- hope to see you there.