What makes sense LO6136

Matzdorf, Fides (F.Matzdorf@shu.ac.uk)
Wed, 20 Mar 96 12:15:00 GMT

Replying to LO6127 --

On 19 March 1996 John Paul Fullerton wrote:

(apologies for long quote)
"If a man knew a thief was breaking into his home, he would be stirred to
do something about it. If he did not know, then that one point of
knowledge that was not there would not prompt a very significant process
in thought. As Dr. Deming said in other circumstances, how could they
know? How could we know that other people care if we greet them, that
people we see from day to day may want something from us, that hardship
doesn't mean that everyone is against us, that things "move us" that we
might not choose to be moved by if we saw the movement as other than what
we think is right. The examples could be more relevant possibly.

In particular, just to be forthright, I've learned to notice the powerful
though temporal effect of being tempted by certain types of female
behavior. I probably should say by the spirit of the person who is
behaving in certain ways. Coy giggling, standing in the way, taking my
behavior as voyeristic, and so on. I'm not saying that I'm right; judge
for yourselves! If I want to be faithful to what I believe - and I do -
and I love those very people - and I'm certainly provoked by them, then
I've got the setting for a battle the like of which I never knew before.
Or that I never knew of as a battle. One additional thought - I don't want
to do that - and a tremendous battle. Without the first thought, it
appears I'm not thinking in the situation, but how could I know?"

John Paul,
I think you need to distinguish between perception of circumstances (first
para) and perception of people's behaviour (second para). You can check
out your interpretation of your perception of people's behaviour with
those people before moving into action - you can't ask circumstances
though... Makes all the difference!




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