Values and Honesty LO9015

Dale Emery (72704.1550@CompuServe.COM)
10 Aug 96 00:49:29 EDT

Replying to LO8988 --


You ask, "First, we need to ask ourselves: Why have other management fads
(I'd prefer to call them "management practices" proven ineffective?"

I like the question, and I like your answers. Here are a few additional
possibilities I can think of:

* The authors don't describe (and perhaps aren't aware of) the millions of
tiny, mid-course corrections that went into their successes.

* The authors are mistaken about what led to their successes.

* The authors and practitioners are unaware of some critical conditions
that lead the practice to work in some places and not in others.

* The management practice was much more effective in places where the
people practicing it had a hand in developing it.



Dale H. Emery | 27 Tall Pine Road Consultant | Berwick, ME 03901 Relationship and Communication | (207) 698-1650 For Successful Organizations |

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