The Conversation Here LO9564

Dale Emery (72704.1550@CompuServe.COM)
28 Aug 96 14:50:40 EDT

Replying to LO9519 --


You wrote, "I've seen those (or similar) statistics before as well and they get
even more interesting when you look at gender. I think it's something like only
1% of females are NT."

I think the percentage of females who are NT is quite a bit higher than 1%, but
I'm not sure of the exact figure. As I understand it, the only MBTI dimension
on which there is a significant gender bias is the F-T scale. Again I don't
remember the exact numbers.

I'll be spending the next week with several people who are qualified to
administer MBTI. I'll ask them for the details.



Dale Emery <72704.1550@CompuServe.COM>

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