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July 2005 issue (Volume 12, number 2) COLD FUSION TIMES

"Your Most Complete, Uncensored, Cold Fusion Scientific and Engineering Resource"

"We coldly go where no one has gone before"

Happy Birthday, America

"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. ....

We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as free and independent states, they have full power to levey war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

[The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America]
Purdue's review panel complete's review of Taleyarkhan

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. ­ A Purdue University examination committee reviewing issues
concerning research on the use of sound waves to create nuclear fusion reactions has completed its work.

"The committee has submitted a report, and I will take appropriate action after studying the recommendations," said Charles O. Rutledge, vice president for research, who appointed the committee in March. 

Rutledge appointed the examination committee after the British research journal Nature reported on its Web site that some researchers had raised questions about the research of Rusi Taleyarkhan, a Purdue professor of nuclear engineering.

{Ed. These were competitors and a graduate student}

Since joining the Purdue faculty in 2004 and previously at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Taleyarkhan has published research findings in several refereed journals showing evidence that "sonofusion" generates nuclear reactions by creating tiny bubbles that implode with tremendous force. Experimental nuclear fusion reactors have historically required large, multibillion-dollar machines, but sonofusion devices might be built for a fraction of the cost and theoretically could be an unlimited source of clean energy.

Taleyarkhan first reported observing the bubble fusion effect in March 2002 in the journal Science. In addition to its potential as a new source of clean energy, Taleyarkhan and other researchers believe sonofusion could be used in a wide range of applications from homeland security to the study of neutron stars and black holes.


President Ronald Reagan:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. 
We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. 
It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, 
or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children
and our children's children what it was once like in the United States 
where men were free."


[A partial introduction] 

Introduction to Cold Fusion

Further Introduction including Engineering and the Optimal Operating Point

Cold Fusion Science - Introduction to Material science 

Public Open-House Cold Fusion Demonstration at MIT and ICCF10

Theoretical physics paper on cold fusion - MIT Research Laboratory for Electronics  2003 (pdf)

Production of helium in cold fusion - SRI 2000 (pdf) 

U.S. Navy Technical Report  2002 - A Decade of [Cold Fusion] Research at US Navy Laboratories (pdf) 

Cold Fusion Physics and Philosophy - Journal of Accountability in Research, 2000 (pdf)

June 21, 2006  was the Birthday of the ratification of the US Constitution, which is STILL ignored by the US Patent Office in its "War on America" as a group within continues to destroy and muzzle all Yankee Ingenuity in the fields of cold fusion, alternative energy, and even room temperature superconductivity 
    June 21, 1788 - U.S. Constitution ratified 
New Hampshire becomes the ninth and last necessary state to ratify the Constitution of the United States, thereby making the document the law of the land. By 1786, defects in the post-Revolutionary War Articles of Confederation were apparent, such as the lack of central authority over foreign and domestic commerce. Congress endorsed a plan to draft a new constitution, and on May 25, 1787, the Constitutional Convention convened at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. On September 17, 1787, after three months of debate moderated by convention president George Washington, the new U.S. constitution, which created a strong federal government with an intricate system of checks and balances, was signed by 38 of the 41 delegates present at the conclusion of the convention. As dictated by Article VII, the document would not become binding until it was ratified by nine of the 13 states. Beginning on December 7, five states--Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, and Connecticut--ratified it in quick succession. .... The Constitution was thus narrowly ratified in Massachusetts, followed by Maryland and South Carolina. On June 21, 1788, New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the document, and it was subsequently agreed that government under the U.S. Constitution would begin on March 4, 1789. ...

Article 1 The Congress shall have power .... To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;"   How to help

   "Observation Of Surface Distribution Of Products By X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry During D2 Gas Permeation Through Pd Complexes",
Iwamura, Y., et alia, The 12th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2005. Yokohama, Japan. 

Technical Manuscripts and Updates Cold Fusion

Yoshiaki Arata (Osaka University) -  “Double-Structure” cold fusion cell 
Japan Academy of Science B73, 62-7 (1997), B73, 1-6 (1997)  Updated pdf paper

George Miley et al.  - "Use of Combined NAA and SIMS Analyses for Impurity Level Isotope Detection"
Journal of Radiological and Nuclear Chemistry, 263 (3), 691-696 (2005)  Updated pdf paper

Xing Zhong Li   "A Chinese View on Summary of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science" Journal of Fusion Energy  23(3), 217-21 (2004)  Updated pdf paper

"The neglect of cold fusion is one of the biggest scandals in the history of science."

-Sir Arthur C. Clarke
An All-Electric Car That Accelerates Faster Than a Ferrari   - Technology Review 

SAN CARLOS, Calif. (AP) -- ... Silicon Valley thinks it can do what Detroit could not -- create a thriving business selling electric cars. In the 1990s, General Motors and other automakers spent billions to develop battery-powered vehicles, but they flopped because most couldn't travel more than 100 miles before having to recharge. ... At least three Silicon Valley startups -- Tesla Motors of San Carlos, Wrightspeed Inc. of Woodside and battery maker Li-on Cells of Menlo Park -- are among a small cadre of companies nationwide developing electric cars or components.
.... Tesla and Wrightspeed are using lithium-ion batteries that are more powerful, lighter and efficient than the lead acid batteries used in early electric cars or the nickel metal hydride batteries used in today's hybrids.
... In Tesla's workshop about 20 miles south of San Francisco, Eberhard and Tarpenning offered a glimpse of their first model -- a sleek two-seater called the Roadster that resembles a Lotus Elise -- but would not allow photographs. ... To build the Roadster, Tesla engineers designed a sophisticated battery system with more than 8,000 lithium-ion cells and a network of computers to control them, Eberhard said. They also built an electric motor that is more than twice as powerful as earlier electric vehicles. The Roadster will be able to drive about 250 miles on a single three-hour charge, drive up to 135 miles per hour and accelerate from zero to 60 in four seconds, Eberhard said. It will cost between $85,000 and $120,000.

''The car business had more challenges than we expected,'' Tarpenning said.  Ian Wright, who left Tesla to start Wrightspeed last year, is aiming at the same $3 billion market for high-performance sports cars. The New Zealand-born electrical engineer spent nine months retooling an Ariel Atom race car to run on a lithium-ion battery -- a prototype of the car he hopes to eventually sell for about $120,000.

... With no doors, roof or windshield, a drive in Wrightspeed's X1 feels like a roller coaster ride and can leave passengers wind-beaten and queasy. It accelerates from zero to 60 mph in 3 seconds, making it one of the world's fastest production cars. Last year, Wright's X1 beat a Porsche and Ferrari in separate races.


  Strong Growth in World Energy Demand is Projected Through 2030 - Cattle Network 

"Worldwide marketed energy consumption is projected to grow by 71 percent between 2003 and 2030 ... Petroleum consumption is still expected to grow strongly, however, reaching 118 million barrels per day in 2030. The United States, China, and India together account for 51 percent of the projected growth in world oil use.  Members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) are expected to increase their supply of oil by 14.6 million barrels per day between 2003 and 2030. Higher oil prices contribute to a substantial increase in projected non-OPEC supply, which rises by 23.7 million barrels per day, including 8.1million barrels per day of unconventional production, over the same period. World unconventional production (including oil sands, bitumen, biofuels, coal-to-liquids, and gas-to-liquids) increases by 9.7 million barrels per day between 2003 and 2030, representing 25 percent of the total world liquids supply increase.
... Rising fossil fuel prices also allow renewable energy sources to compete more effectively in the electric power sector. Consumption of hydroelectricity and other grid-connected renewable energy sources expands by 2.4 percent per year. 

+ Higher fossil fuel prices and concerns about security of energy supplies are expected to improve prospects for nuclear power capacity over the projection period, and many countries are expected to build new nuclear power plants. World nuclear capacity is projected to rise from 361 gigawatts in 2003 to 438 gigawatts in 2030, with significant declines in capacity projected only for Europe, where several countries have either plans or mandates to phase out nuclear power, or where old reactors are expected to be retired and not replaced.
.....  energy-related carbon dioxide emissions are projected to rise from 25.0 billion metric tons in 2003 to 33.7 billion metric tons in 2015 and 43.7 billion metric tons in 2030. Much of the projected increase in emissions is expected to occur in the non-OECD regions of the world, accompanying large increases fossil fuel use.."

Super Battery Victor Limjoco

As our portable devices get more high-tech, the batteries that power them can seem to lag behind. But Joel Schindall and his team at M.I.T. plan to make long charge times and expensive replacements a thing of the past--by improving on technology from the past. .. But capacitors contain energy as an electric field of charged particles created by two metal electrodes. Capacitors charge faster and last longer than normal batteries. The problem is that storage capacity is proportional to the surface area of the battery's electrodes, so even today's most powerful capacitors hold 25 times less energy than similarly sized standard chemical batteries.
The researchers solved this by covering the electrodes with millions of tiny filaments called nanotubes. Each nanotube is 30,000 times thinner than a human hair. Similar to how a thick, fuzzy bath towel soaks up more water than a thin, flat bed sheet, the nanotube filaments on increase the surface area of the electrodes and allow the capacitor to store more energy. Schindall says this combines the strength of today's batteries with the longevity and speed of capacitors.

Schindall thinks hybrid cars would be a particularly popular application for these batteries, especially because current hybrid batteries are expensive to replace.  Schindall also sees the ecological benefit to these reinvented capacitors. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, more than 3 billion industrial and household batteries were sold in the United States in 1998. When these batteries are disposed, toxic chemicals like cadmium can seep into the ground


An Afternoon to Remember: Cold Fusion Session of APS Meeting (March 16, 2006) - Robert W. Bass
courtesy of Infinite Energy

"Everyone aware of the potential epochal importance of condensed matter nuclear science (CMNS) should be grateful to Scott Chubb for the arduous but thankless annual task, for the past six years, of keeping the subject alive at meetings of the American Physical Society (APS). (This year’s session took place in Baltimore, Maryland on March 16, from 2:30 to 5:06 p.m.)  ..... the 13 presenters or groups of presenters this year included a gratifyingly high percentage of the most stalwart contributors to this emerging field of revolutionary science.

 Atomic Motor - 
Cold Fusion, Energy & Nanotech in a Networked World

Shining Light on Technology News & Media From One  Nuclear Engineer's Perspective

  Raiders Of The Lost Dimension   Los Alamos NM - Spacemart 

A team of scientists working at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory's Pulsed Field Facility at Los Alamos has uncovered an intriguing phenomenon while studying magnetic waves in barium copper silicate, a 2,500-year-old pigment known as Han purple. The researchers discovered that when they exposed newly grown crystals of the pigment to very high magnetic fields at very low temperatures, it entered a rarely observed state of matter. At the threshold of that matter state--called the quantum critical point-the waves actually lose a dimension. That is, the magnetic waves go from a three-dimensional to a two-dimensional pattern. ... they discovered that at high magnetic fields (above 23 Tesla) and at temperatures between 1 and 3 degrees Kelvin (or roughly minus 460 degrees Fahrenheit), the magnetic waves in Han purple crystals "exist" in a unique state of matter called a Bose Einstein condensate (BEC).  In the BEC state, magnetic waves propagate simultaneously in all of three directions (up-down, forward-backward and left-right). At the quantum critical point, however, the waves stop propagating in the up-down dimension, causing the magnetic ripples to exist in only two dimensions, much the same way as ripples are confined to the surface of a pond. ..... 
Microscopic image of Han Purple by Marcelo Jaime of MST-NHMFL

In the higher temperatures of the BEC state, the individual waves, which are associated with magnetism from pairs of copper atoms in the Han Purple pigment, lose their identities and condense into one giant wave of undulating magnetism. As the temperature is lowered, this magnetic wave becomes more sensitive to the vertical arrangement of individual copper layers in the pigment -which are shifted relative to each other- in a phenomenon called "geometrical frustration." 

"[W]hen the Paris Exhibition closes electric light will close with it and no more be heard of."     - Erasmus Wilson (1878) Professor at Oxford University 

"This `telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a practical form of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us."     - Western Union internal memo, 1878 

"Radio has no future."    - Lord Kelvin (1824-1907), British mathematician and physicist, ca. 1897. 

"Rail travel at high speed is not possible because passengers, unable to breathe, would die of asphyxia." - Dr. Dionysus Lardner (1793-1859), Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy at University College, London. 

It'll Never Work!


  "... after a few more flashes in the pan, we shall hear very little more of Edison or his electric lamp. Every claim he makes has been tested and proved impracticable." 
          [New York Times, January 16, 1880] 

          "Professor Goddard ... does not know the relation of action to reaction ... he only seems to lack the knowledge ladled out daily in our high schools" 
          [New York Times, January 13, 1920] 

Physicists create great balls of fire
"Ball lightning – the mysterious slow-moving spheres of light occasionally seen during thunderstorms – has been created in the lab. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics and the Humboldt University in Berlin have used underwater electrical discharges to generate luminous plasma clouds resembling ball lightning that last for nearly half a second and are up to 20 centimetres across. They hope that these artificial entities will help them understand the bizarre phenomenon and perhaps even provide insights into the hot plasmas needed for fusion power plants..... Most accounts describe a hovering, glowing, ball-like object up to 40 centimetres across, ranging in colour from red to yellow to blue and lasting for several seconds or in rare cases even minutes. ....“It is likely that lightning flashes and water interact to produce ball lightning,” says Fussmann. “We therefore use a short, high-voltage discharge of 5000 volts to vaporise some of the water in a glass tank and create the plasma ball.” The tank contains two electrodes, one of which is insulated from the surrounding water by a clay tube. The high voltage causes enormous currents of up to 60 amps – over 200 times those needed to cause death – to flow through the water for a fraction of a second. These enter the clay tube, causing the water there to evaporate and a luminous plasma ball - consisting of ionised water molecules - to rise from the surface.
.... Despite the bright glow, the balls also appear to be rather cold, much like neon lights. A sheet of paper placed above them is lifted but does not catch fire.

   A Sponge's Guide to Nano-Assembly   Technology Review -  Kevin Bullis

One of the ongoing goals of nanotechnology is to easily and inexpensively create high-performance materials structured at the nanoscale. And one of the most promising strategies is to attempt to mimic nature's remarkable ability to self-assemble complex shapes with nanoscale precision. Now researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), using clues gleaned from marine sponges, have developed a method of synthesizing semiconducting materials with useful structures and novel electronic properties. The first applications could be ways to make materials for more powerful batteries and highly efficient solar cells at a lower price. .... Daniel Morse, professor of molecular genetics and biochemistry at UCSB, who led the project. The method works with a wide variety of materials. So far, he says, the group has made "30 different kinds of oxides, hydroxides, and phosphates."  Morse and his colleagues began their research by studying the methods used by marine sponges to make intricate glass skeletons called spicules (see illustration). One type of sponge produces a cylinder that looks as if it were made of woven glass fibers, although it isn't woven at all, but assembled molecule by molecule to make the structure.  In particular, the researchers studied a type of sponge that makes tiny needles of glass. They found that the genes responsible for the glass structures encode for enzymes that serve as both a physical template for the structure and a catalyst for assembling molecular precursors into the desired material.

"At first the crystals form at the [surface], but with time they begin to project down into the solution like stalactites growing down from the roof of a cave," Morse says. "What you end up with is a nanostructured thin film of semiconductor with very high surface area because of all the projecting thin plates or needles that project down into the solution."  .... Although the current process works only for thin films, further understanding of the catalysis and templating methods of sponges could one day make it possible to fabricate complex machine parts by piecing together molecules. 

THE REAL DEAL:  Cold Fusion: A Heated History 
September 30, 2005; repeated February 24, 2006
Bruce Gellerman continues his investigation into the future of fusion with a look at the latest research in the field of cold fusion, the science of creating a nuclear reaction at room temperature. Most scientists call sustained cold fusion reactions impossible, but others say their experiments are producing energy. 
Transcript     "(Cold fusion) offers a chance to have the United States make the Kyoto agreement moot, and make greenhouse warming moot." 

MP3 [download and listen to the radio show on the MIT 2005 CF Colloquium and Cold Fusion 
Bruce Gellerman:  "But reports of the death of cold fusion were premature. The field was kept alive by a small community of researchers who meet every 18 months or so. Critics call them a cult, but these true believers are sustained by laboratory results they say prove cold fusion can produce unlimited, safe, non-polluting energy.  ..... History can offer solace, of sorts, for cold fusion advocates. In 1905, Albert Einstein came up with his revolutionary theory e=mc2, it laid the basis for nuclear energy. But it wasn't until 27 years later, in 1932, that scientists in the lab finally confirmed his theory. By that measure, cold fusion still has time before it's fully recognized, or finally rejected, by the ultimate arbiter in these matters: the scientific method."


Infinite Energy Articles (pdf)

An Afternoon to Remember: Cold Fusion Session of APS Meeting (March 16, 2006) - Robert W. Bass

Exposing the "Real Embarrassments" of Cold Fusion - Scott Chubb 

Travel Report for the 12th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF12)

The 2005 MIT Cold Fusion Colloquium, Honoring Eugene Mallove - Scott Chubb 

Charge Clusters: The work of Ken Shoulders - William Zebuhr 

    (Hot) Fusion reactor work gets go-ahead

BBC - Seven international parties involved in an experimental nuclear fusion reactor project have initialled a 10bn-euro (£6.8bn) agreement on the plan. The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (Iter) will be the most expensive joint scientific project after the International Space Station.  ... The seven-party consortium, which includes the European Union, the US, Japan, China, Russia and others, agreed last year to build Iter in Cadarache, in the southern French region of Provence.
It will produce the first sustained fusion reactions
[Ed: after cold fusion achieved it 17 years earlier]

The EU is to foot about 50% of the cost to build the experimental reactor.  .... If all goes well with the experimental reactor, officials hope to set up a demonstration power plant at Cadarache by 2040.
[Ed: 51 years after cold fusion was successfully achieved, then cover-ed up!]

To use controlled fusion reactions on Earth as an energy source, it is necessary to heat a gas to temperatures exceeding 100 million Celsius - many times hotter than the centre of the Sun.  The technical requirements to do this, which scientists have spent decades developing, are immense; but the rewards, if Iter can be made to work successfully, are extremely attractive. One kilogram of fusion fuel would produce the same amount of energy as 10,000,000kg of fossil fuel.  Fusion does produce radioactive waste but not the volumes of long-term high-level radiotoxic materials that have so burdened nuclear fission.
[Ed: Cold fusion has NO radioactive waste, but makes helium!]

Officials project that 10-20% of the world's energy could come from fusion by the end of the century. 
However, environmental groups have criticised the project, saying there was no guarantee that the billions of euros would result in a commercially viable energy source. "Investment in energy efficiency and renewables is the only reliable way to guarantee energy security," said Silvia Hermann, from Friends of the Earth Europe. "Giving billions of euros to a single nuclear project that is so far from reality is ill judged and irresponsible."
The European Commission said the investment costs were justified, explaining that the technology used in fusion reactor plants would be "inherently safe, with no possibility of meltdown, or runaway reactions."



Future Energy Program

American Antigravity

  COLD FUSION papers from India
BARC Studies In Cold Fusion, BARC Report 1500

 Cold Fusion Experiments Using a Commercial Pd-Ni Electrolyser - Krishnan,  Iyengar et alia 

 Preliminary Results of Cold Fusion Studies Using a Five Module High Current Electrolytic Cell - . Nayar,  et alia 

Observation of Cold Fusion in a Ti-SS Electrolytic Cell - Krishnan et alia 

 Tritium Generation during Electrolysis Experiment - Radhakrishnan,Sundaresan,  et alia 

 Tritium Analysis of Samples Obtained from Various Electrolysis Experiments at BARC -   Murthy, Iyengar, Joseph,  et alia 

Autoradiography of Deuterated Ti and Pd Targets for Spatially Resolved Detection of Tritium Produced by Cold Fusion -Rout, Srinivasan  et alia 

Evidence for Production of Tritium via Cold Fusion Reactions in Deuterium Gas Loaded Palladium - Krishnan, et alia


"No one is going to help us.   We've got to do it ourselves.'

                         "United 93'' 

Energy secretary says coal, oil will power U.S. for decades

 Houston Chronicle  - Oil and coal will continue to power the U.S. economy for many years, even as more emphasis is put on developing alternative sources of energy, U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman said Saturday in Houston.  "Fossil fuels will continue to dominate ... for several decades at least," Bodman said during a commencement address to about 350 members of the South Texas College of Law 2006 graduating class at the George R. Brown Convention Center.  .... one of the most important sources of energy will be nuclear power, along with the means of safely operating the plants and disposing of nuclear waste, he said.

(Secretary) Bodman has told Congress that part of the solution will come from increased research on hydrogen, solar and biological fuels, and fusion, a nuclear reaction that produces no radioactive waste.

["Perhaps someone should tell him that the only form of fusion that produces no radioactive waste is Cold Fusion." -  R. van Spaandonk]

Carbon Fullerenes Now Have Metallic Cousins

Scientists have uncovered a class of gold atom clusters that are the first known metallic hollow equivalents of the famous hollow carbon fullerenes known as buckyballs..... 
The fullerene is made up of a sphere of 60 carbon (C) atoms; gold (Au) requires many fewer—16, 17 and 18 atoms, in triangular configurations more gem-like than soccer ball. At more than 6 angstroms across, or roughly a ten-millionth the size of a comma, they are nonetheless roomy enough to cage a smaller atom. 
Experiments at the PNNL-based W.R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory elicited the photoelectron spectra of clusters smaller than Au32, which had been theorized as the gold-cage analog to C60 but ruled out by Wang’s group in an experiment that showed it as being a compact clump. 
They instead turned their attention to clusters smaller than 20 atoms, which earlier work by Wang’s group showed were 3-D, but larger than 13 atoms, known to be flat. The spectra and calculations showed that clusters of 15 atoms or fewer remained flat but that all but one possible configuration of 16, 17 and 18 atoms open in the middle. At 19 atoms, the spaces fill in again to form a near-pyramid. 

“Au-16 is beautiful and can be viewed as the smallest golden cage,” Wang said. ....Wang and his co-workers suspect “that many different kinds of atoms can be trapped inside” these hollow clusters, a process called “doping.” “These doped cages may very well survive on surfaces,” suggesting a method for influencing physical and chemical properties at smaller-than-nano scales, “depending on the dopants.” 
Wang’s group has not yet attempted to imprison a foreign atom in the hollow Au cages, but they plan to try. 

Being invisible 'a possibility'  -   Reuters  May 26, 2006

"NEW materials that can change the way light and other forms of radiation bend around an object may provide a way to make objects invisible, researchers said.  Two separate teams of researchers have come up with theories on ways to use experimental "metamaterials" to cloak an object and hide it from visible light, infrared light, microwaves and perhaps even sonar probes.
"Imagine a situation where a medium guides light around a hole in it," physicist Ulf Leonhardt of Britain's University of St Andrews, wrote in one of the reports, published in tomorrow's issue of the journal Science.
"The light rays end up behind the object as if they had travelled in a straight line.
"Any object placed in the hole would be hidden from sight. The medium would create the ultimate optical illusion: invisibility," Mr Leonhardt wrote.  .... Metamaterials are composite structures that deliberately resemble nothing found in nature. They are engineered to have unusual properties, such as the ability to bend light in unique ways."

"It looks like as if three men walking behind are seen .... during a demonstration of optical camouflage technology at the Tokyo University in Tokyo Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2003. The demonstration conducted by Faculty of Engineering Prof. Susumu Tachi ... that will eventually enable camouflaged objects virtually transparent by wearing an optical device. This photo was taken through a viewfinder that provides with a combined image of moving images taken behind Obana and him wearing a luminous jacket that makes a transparent effect."

Invisibility cloak 'five years away'   - Telegraph UK

"Scientists have taken the first steps towards creating a Harry Potter-style cloak of invisibility.
Professor John Pendry, from Imperial College London, said that it may not take long to develop an invisible fabric - assuming there is sufficient research into the technology. .... The obvious military applications have attracted support from the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), which funded the early research.  Already the scientists are a long way towards the easier goal of creating a cloak that can render objects invisible to radar or radio waves. Both have longer wavelengths than visible light, making them less challenging to work with.  "We are confident we can build a cloak that will work for radar within 18 months," said Prof Pendry, one of the authors of a research paper published today in the journal Science.
The key to the invisibility cloak is "metamaterial" - exotic composite material made using nanotechnology that can change the direction of electromagnetic radiation.  .... Metamaterials have already been demonstrated by Professor David Smith, from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, one of the US scientists who contributed to the Science paper."

What is the response of the Dept. of Energy and the US Patent Office to cold fusion and alternative energy?

Answer:  "Look here at this neuralizer.  You will remember nothing except that there is nothing to see here.  Now move along"

U.S. 'Must Start Building Nuclear Power Plants,' President Bush Tells Industry Executives - US Newswire via Yahoo    Nuclear Energy Institute 

SAN FRANCISCO- President George W. Bush said the nation "must start building nuclear power plants" in a videotaped address to the nation's nuclear energy industry leaders here today.. "To maintain our economic leadership and strengthen our energy security, America must start building nuclear power plants." 
"Our economy is creating new jobs. It is also creating new demands for energy ... By expanding our use of nuclear power, we can make our energy supply more reliable, our environment cleaner and our nation more secure for future generations."   ... 

Over the past year, 10 companies have announced plans to file license applications with the NRC for as many as 20 new nuclear power plants. 

-- Industry-average production costs of 1.7 cents per kilowatt-hour remain the lowest among all forms of energy except for hydroelectric facilities and represent a 33 percent decline over the past 10 years. 

-- The industry produced 782 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2005, the second-highest ever. 
 NEI President and CEO Frank L. "Skip" Bowman ... said. "Success may require innovative approaches on both sides and new ways of doing business." 

DESPITE the US Constitution, the directives of the US Congress, the President, Secretary Bodman and present situtation with overwhelming energy need requiring America (and the Democracies) to invest in new technologies involving alternative energy INCLUDING COLD FUSION, there has been, and is, nothing but obstruction, cover-ups, and a systematic pattern of allowing some in the DoE and USPTO to continue their nefarious disingenuous behavior DESIGNED to rob future generations of Americans of the very technology that was first announced in America on March 23, 1989, on the very same day that the Exxon Valdez crashed.

(*) Despite America's War on Terror, despite the rising cost of oil, despite Presidential Directive, even now, the Patent Office has egregiously planned to "deep-six" all cold fusion applications along with all applications involving room temperature superconductivity and any application "which, if issued, would generate unfavorable publicity for the USPTO". 
   Want to help the United States of America gain energy independence?

Complete 80-page legal decision  - and biography of Tom Valone's 6-year, cold fusion, IRI and COFE-centered, arbitration battle with the systematically corrupt (*) USPTO and others who have worked to destroy the development of cold fusion in the United States (as they transfer the technology overseas)

From the Decision: "What there is evidence of is "harassment, or bad faith, malice or provocation on the part of others involved in the matter," and it came in bundles.   The activities and motives of Park and Zimmerman have been extensively recounted and explained, and with regard to the cancellation of grievant's State Department, Secretary's Open Forum presentation, deplorable.   The malice shown by Park in his solely economic driven campaign to block any of the nontraditional scientists from receiving recognition by any government agency as having an idea worthy of a slice of government R&D funding may be a point of pride within the APS.   But to an outsider who champions free and open exploration of any scientific thought, no matter how far out on the fringe, his conduct is outrageous.   The worth of a new idea is to be determined in the democratic and open arena of competing thoughts, and not blocked from the arena by the greedy economic self-interest of those already in the limelight."

 "Seemingly lost on those with control over slicing the government pie who are persuaded by the relentless drumbeat of the Parks and Zimmermans, is that those questing for "free energy," whether through cold fusion or by way of some other "emerging technology," may be similar to the alchemists of centuries back who never turned base metals into gold, but were the forerun­ners of modern chemistry, got the Periodic Table of Elements off to a start, and among all things, discovered how to duplicate Asian porcelain which at the time was worth more than its weight in gold..
So too, those in pursuit of "free energy" could well spinoff useful advances in knowledge while failing to achieve their "holy grail." ....

"None of Mr. Godici's (Patent Commissioner) answers was totally satisfactory, and the urge, not well restrained, to say, if not scream: Hold it a minute!  Isn't time to go back to the earlier days of the PTO when inventors had to produce working models of their devices?  .... the PTO has the National Institute of Standards and Technology to test and verify or reject claims of subtle, hard to grasp accomplishments."

Constitution of the United States     A History 

Article 1 Section 8

"The Congress shall have power .... To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

(January 31, 2006) 

President Bush: "Keeping America competitive requires affordable energy. Here we have a serious problem: America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world."
"The best way to break this addiction is through technology. Since 2001, we have spent nearly 10 billion dollars to develop cleaner, cheaper, more reliable alernative energy sources – and we are on the threshold of incredible advances. So tonight, I announce the Advanced Energy Initiative – a 22-percent increase in clean-energy research at the Department of Energy, to push for breakthroughs in two vital areas. To change how we power our homes and offices, we will invest more in zero-emission coal-fired plants; revolutionary solar and wind technologies; and clean, safe nuclear energy."

"First: I propose to double the Federal commitment to the most critical basic research programs in the physical sciences over the next ten years. This funding will support the work of America’s most creative minds as they explore promising areas such as nanotechnology, supercomputing, and alternative energy sources." 

For cold fusion, there has been systematically obstruction by the US Patent Office (and some scientific journals) even as its technology has progressed in every other country. 

The Patent Office has defied the Constitution, the Congress and the American people, thereby indirectly forcing Americans to remain "addicted to oil" for almost two decades.  And there is absolutely no change in sight.

Call the President and your Senators and Congresspersons today and DEMAND 
that the US Patent Office take American inventors, cold fusion and the US Consitution seriously.

  "No one is going to help us. We've got to do it ourselves."

  Want to Help?

Demand a Congressional hearing with examination of the backgrounds
-and the removal - 
of all those in the US Patent Office and Dept of Energy
who have conspired and systematically attempted to stop and destroy American inventiveness and Yankee ingenuity involving cold fusion while they have transferred these technologies overseas.

President George W. Bush  E-mail Address: 
Business Information: Fax: (202) 456-2461   White House Opinion Line: (202) 456-1111 

CAPITOL TOLL-FREE SWITCHBOARD: (888) 355-3588 (toll-free) or (202) 334-3121 

Call Your Senators & Representatives TODAY - 24hr line.
Please call both of your Senators TODAY. Ask for your Senator by name at the numbers above. 
If you don't know his/her name or if  the lines are busy, get to the URL and then click on "Senators" at the top left to find your senators' names and their offices' direct phone numbers. 

This website lists e-mail addresses of all the staffers assigned to the various congressmen and senators.

HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER: Congressman John Boehner, R-OH 
DC (202) 225-6205      OH (513) 779-5400 

DC (202)224-3344 

  Where the dream of harnessing the sun's power could come true
James Randerson  May 24, 2006 The Guardian

There is a deafening, unearthly howl as if a jumbo jet was firing up its engines in the Albert Hall. On the screen in the control room a ghostly pinkish glow whips round the edges of the inside of the nuclear reactor. At its core it is 10 times hotter than the centre of the sun. This, according to some physicists, is the solution to the energy crisis - a future with cheap, reliable, safe and nearly waste-free power. ...
Its advocates say nuclear fusion is the most promising long-term solution to t
he energy crisis, offering the possibility of abundant power from cheap fuel with no greenhouse gases and low levels of radioactive waste. But critics say the government is gambling huge sums of money - 44% of the UK's research and development budget for energy - on a long shot with no guarantee of ever producing useful energy.  ...   One of fusion's big advantages over fission is safety. Firstly, there is no chance of a runaway meltdown as happened at Chernobyl. If you stop applying the fuel or switch off the magnetic jacket that keeps the fuel in the reactor, the reaction just stops.  "It is very difficult to keep it running. It is like keeping honey on the back of a spoon," said Mathias Brix, a physicist at Jet. Also, the quantities of fuel involved are much smaller than in fission reactors. 
Jet (Joint European Torus) - Experimental fusion reactor built in 1983 at Culham, near Oxford. It was the first fusion reactor in the world to use fusion fuel (in 1991).

The reaction chamber of Jet at Culham, Oxfordshire. 

[ Ed: Unlike hot fusion, cold fusion does not make everything radioactive by neutron irradiation.  And cold fusion yielded the first fusion rreactors in the world to use fusion fuel (in 1989). Also, unlike hot fusion, cold fusion has NO radioactive waste and has already achieved breakeven.]
The COLD FUSION TIMES agrees with President Bush that: 
"America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world."
"To change how we power our homes and offices, we will invest more in zero-emission coal-fired plants; revolutionary solar and wind technologies; and clean, safe nuclear energy."
State of The Union Address Transcript 

 (President) Bush: U.S. on Verge of Energy Breakthrough - Deb Riechmann AP 
MILWAUKEE (AP) - Saying the nation is on the verge of technological breakthroughs that would "startle" most Americans, President Bush on Monday outlined his energy proposals to help wean the country off foreign oil. Less than half the crude oil used by refineries is produced in the United States, while 60 percent comes from foreign nations  ....  "It creates a national security issue and we're held hostage for energy by foreign nations that may not like us," (President) Bush said. 
"Our nation is on the threshold of new energy technology that I think will startle the American people," (President) Bush said. "We're on the edge of some amazing breakthroughs - breakthroughs all aimed at enhancing our national security and our economic security and the quality of life of the folks who live here in the United States."
Although cold fusion has, for the time being, been stopped for proceeding normally  in the United States of America by a systematic conspiracy by some in the Department of Energy and the US Patent Office, it has proceeded worldwide, with superb experimental work continuing in Japan, Russia, China, France, Italy, and India.

Iran admits it is trying to develop nuclear fusion - The Scotsman May 30, 2006 

IRAN is pressing ahead with research tests on nuclear fusion, a type of atomic reaction which has yet to be developed for commercial power generation, a senior Iranian official said yesterday.
Iran said in the mid-1990s it was working on nuclear fusion research but this is the first mention in years that the work is continuing and comes at a time of heightened tension over Iran's nuclear programme.

... "Iran has done various fusion tests for research purposes at its Amirabad research reactor over the last few years," the official said, referring to the reactor in central Tehran, adding that Iran was continuing to carry out such tests. We do fusion tests for research purposes from time to time  ....
Fusion tries to generate power by joining the nuclei of atoms together, but scientists have yet to develop a commercial way of doing this so that it produces more energy than it consumes."

[Ed: Meanwhile, America is taking the "go slow" approach to fusion, even as cold fusion has demonstrated over-unity energy production which could eliminate America's "addiction" to oil.  Why the obstruction?  Much more below, and in the COLD FUSION TIMES.]
British Inventor Unveils 8000 MPG Car 

Julie Farby - All Headline News Staff Writer

London, England (AHN)—A British inventor unveils the world's most fuel-efficient vehicle, a three-wheel “TeamGreen” car capable of doing 8,000 miles to the gallon.The 45-year-old inventor, Andy Green, from the University of Bath, built his budget eco-motor for just £2,000 .... It has taken Mr. Green more than two years to design and build the car, which will be the fourth eco-vehicle he has built. He holds the British record for fuel-efficiency, with 6,603 miles to the gallon in a previous car. ....  the new vehicle is powered by a single cylinder four-stroke engine with a capacity of just 35cc and runs with a special management system incorporating fuel injection. 

More info here: 
 Lone inventor carries British hopes for world car race title

Record-breaking laser is hot stuff -  Mark Peplow 

With the heat of a burning sun, a laser pulse has ripped through pure sapphire, heating it faster than any explosion ever recorded. The experiment was a blast, say physicists who reckon their laser can drive temperature increases of a billion billion (10**18) degrees per second, although they could only keep it going for a couple of hundred femtoseconds (with a femtosecond being 10**-15 s). That tops the previous heating-rate record, they say. The intense heating power of the laser made miniature fireballs, just thousandths of a millimetre in size, at pressures of 10 terapascals (10**13 Pa). That's about 20 times the pressure at the Earth's core. .... The intense crush also raised the temperature to about half a million °C. "You have the same parameters in an atomic explosion," says Vladimir Tikhonchuk, a theoretical physicist from the University of Bordeaux, France.  The success shows that scientists can now simulate the intense condition at the hearts of planets, or possibly even trigger fusion reactions, using a conventional tabletop laser. .... Each laser pulse lasted just 200 femtoseconds, enough time for light travelling in a vacuum to zip across the width of a human hair. The sapphire exploded under the heat in just a few femtoseconds, and as the ball of shredded atoms grew it became much less dense, making further heating much less efficient. .... 

Two ovoids of melted saphire with tiny holes left behind by the laser blast. 

Juodkazis S., et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. , 96, 166101 (2006). 
Haines M. G., et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 075003 (2006)
JT-60 Tokamak Reactor Doubles Plasma Confinement Record  Sven Olsen - May 10, 2006 

"The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) just announced that its JT-60 Fusion Tokamak reactor nearly doubled the world record of tokamak plasma from 16.5 seconds to 28.6 seconds.  Nuclear physicists propose that once tokamak reactors can achieve approximately 400 seconds of plasma, the reactor will achieve a stable, sustainable nuclear fusion reaction.
The JT-60 tokamak is one of the largest tokamak reactors in operation today, and was the same reactor that set the previous fusion confinement time of 16.5 seconds.  The previous world record for plasma duration stood for two years." 

Unlike hot fusion reactors, cold fusion reactors have run for days and weeks, cleanly, without neutrons, and without pollution or radioactive products.  Yet, because of the competition with oil and hot fusion, cold fusioneers have been attacked for 17 years by the some in the DoE, the US Patent Office, and some hot fusion physicists to a degree that is unknown in other competing energy and science fields.

U.S. energy research is declining  - Conference here shows other nations way ahead
 The Capital Times  - Mike Ivey 

"Given the decades-long warnings about a looming world energy crisis - punctuated by the recent spike in crude oil prices - you'd assume the U.S. has been ramping up its research and development spending on energy. 
Think again.  Since 1980, energy research has fallen from 10 percent to 2 percent of total R&D spending. 
....This comes as other nations, such as France and Finland, have made startling advances in nuclear energy and dramatic reductions in carbon dioxide emissions - the pollution from burning oil, gasoline, coal or other fossil fuels and the major cause of global warming.
....Consider the U.S. is spending $67 billion annually on the war on terror vs. $3.4 billion on energy research, according to the National Science Foundation. Private sector pharmaceutical companies are investing 10 times as much in R&D as energy firms like Exxon Mobil or Chevron.
Need more numbers? 
The U.S spent $58 billion annually (inflation-adjusted) during Reagan's run-up on defense spending from 1981-89. It spent $23 billion in 1963-72 on Kennedy's Apollo project to put a man on the moon. 
"We could kick the fossil fuel habit in 10 years if we had the same kind of visionary leadership as JFK," says David Goodstein, author of "Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil." 
.... Finland is even a step further ahead, Perves said, opening a pressurized nuclear reactor in 2005 that is the most efficient plant developed to date.  Meanwhile, the U.S. nuclear industry has been on hold, with no new plants opened since the early 1970s. Wisconsin remains under a moratorium on construction of any new nuclear plants, a law that dates to 1984. Corradini said Wisconsin could build a state-of-the-art nuclear power plant for about the same cost of the proposed new coal-burning facility in Oak Creek.  "It's a political question in this country," he said. "There is no leadership."  In addition to new sources of clean energy from the sun, wind or biofuels such as ethanol, conference attendees said there are great strides to be made in conservation or small-scale renewable energy projects like low-temperature solar heating."

Produce More Domestic Energy, Now! - American Spectator - Quin Hillyer

"With higher gasoline prices a continuing political concern, it's high time somebody placed the blame where it belongs -- and high time that somebody recognizes that while there are few short-term solutions that can immediately alleviate the cash crunch, it's worth realizing that today's long-term solutions will one day make a difference in some future year's short-term. ..... TODAY, LET'S FOCUS ON THE KEY problem of a lack of domestic production of oil and gas. National public policy in this regard has been horrendously negligent -- and the Alaskan refuge drilling ban is only a small part of the problem.

The bigger problem is the overall moratorium on all drilling off U.S. coasts except those in the central and western Gulf of Mexico. Vast supplies of oil and natural gas lie off of Alaska, California, Florida, Virginia, and (I'm told) probably New Jersey and the Carolinas as well. But they lie untapped, forbidden from use by the utterly counterproductive agitation by environmentalists and tourism boosters with overly heightened sensitivities but too little sense (and too little knowledge)."

High Gasoline Prices Here to Stay - Bodman(U.S. Energy Secretary) - Forbes 

WASHINGTON (AFX) - High gasoline prices are here to stay for at least the next couple of years and the government can do little in the short term to mitigate them, US Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said at the weekend.  'Suppliers have lost control of the market,' Bodman told NBC television, in explaining how gasoline (petrol) prices had risen as much as 60 cents a gallon, or at least 25 pct, in one month. 
'We've got demand coming from China, from India, from the United States,' reflecting strong economies, Bodman said.

Energy Sec: US 'Off Oil' in 4 Years - 

Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said Sunday that the U.S. was just "three or four years" away from perfecting the process that would allow American motorists to fuel their vehicles with ethanol instead of gasoline. 
... "We will be in a position over the next three or four years . . . where we will have designed the enzymes and we will be in a position that we can then start the conversion." 
.... Bodman estimated that by 2025, ethanol production would replace about 20 percent of total U.S. gasoline consumption.

    Transmission of EVOs Through Metal - Ken Shoulders 

High-density and highly organized clusters of electronic charge, or EVOs, are shown to transit through metal with relative ease compared to that of single electrons. Upon reaching an interface between metal and vacuum, the charges exit the metal somewhat disheveled as clusters and propagate through vacuum as both free electrons and clusters. 
An EVO injection velocity of a few hundred volts easily penetrates 1 millimeter of aluminum. Although contrary to established electron penetration theory, lower injection velocities produce greater EVO mobility and lifetime within the metal target. The configuration used provides a cold, intense electron emission source without concern for either work function or geometry of the cathode. 

[many papers at the site; excellent experiment work]

Ex-CIA chief: Oil key to U.S. security - Jason Cato 

Think gas prices are bad now?  Imagine another terrorist attack -- especially one on Saudi Arabian oil refineries, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey said Monday during a visit to Pittsburgh. 
..... One way to beat that -- and hit Islamic extremists in the pocketbook -- is for Americans to start using renewable fuel, Woolsey said. That includes ethanol and biofuels as alternatives to gas and diesel.

[Ed. Ending the conspiracy against cold fusion by the DOE and Dept of Commerce would also help] 

In addition to alternative fuels, Woolsey also advocates fuel-efficient vehicles and technological advances to build cars and trucks out of lighter carbon composites -- all in an effort to use less oil. 
.... Continued dependency on foreign oil could pose problems if future Middle Eastern regimes are not as cooperative  .... Short of sweeping technological and fuel changes, lawmakers in Washington, D.C., have become focused on more short-term answers to high gasoline prices. 
.... Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., has called for more homegrown oil. 
"Consumers are feeling pain at the pump, and Republicans are moving aggressively to address their concerns," he said. "We must reduce our dependence on foreign oil by increasing domestic exploration, improving our energy infrastructure and continuing to encourage conservation."

Argonne's drive: new fuels for cars
Chicago Sun-Times - Tara Burghart

It's like a giant rolling Erector Set -- for engineers who really like to play around with automotive components.
Formally called the Mobile Automotive Technology Testbed, the bare-bones chassis plays a vital role in Argonne National Laboratory's research into new ways to power vehicles. One day, the engineers can test how an electric motor performs with a gasoline-powered engine and a manual transmission. The next day they can substitute an engine fueled by hydrogen. Soon, they intend to place giant batteries on the testbed's rear platform to research a plug-in hybrid vehicle that could increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. ...
The building where the testbed is housed illustrates the nation's changing priorities. The structure previously was used for research into magnets necessary for use in nuclear reactors.  ...
Although Argonne has done work on fuel cells and similar futuristic technologies, Hillebrand says he is most excited about its potential to play a lead role among the national labs in developing plug-in hybrids.
A standard hybrid such as the Toyota Prius uses an electric motor, a small battery and a gasoline motor. With a plug-in hybrid, the small battery is replaced by much bigger battery packs that can be recharged through a standard 120-volt outlet.   With such a car, a driver could travel the first 10, 20 or even 40 miles of a trip on battery power before the vehicle would switch to the gasoline engine, Hillebrand says.

Kramer  (100 MPG cars) come to Washington
Evworld -| Bill Moore

Felix Kramer is on a mission, one that carried him and his new plug-in Toyota Prius hybrid to the steps of Capitol Hill. There he and representatives of Electro Energy, which brought along their own plug-in Prius, showcased to some of Washington's most powerful politicians .... For the auto companies making the rounds in Washington, the message from GM and Ford was we're doing E85, which is a relatively cheap fix of less than $200 per car and according to Kramer, "lets them off of the hook for the next ten years." While he favors ethanol, it alone isn't enough to seriously address America's oil addiction when the nation consumes 140 billion gallons of gasoline annually, while producing just under 5 billion gallons of ethanol.
"If you fuel the local miles with electricity, then you need only 40 billion gallons," he said. "That's really an achievable goal."  He went on to explain how his small, three-person team at California Cars Initiative worked with Electro Energy, a Danbury, Connecticut firm that has developed a technology to improve NiMH batteries for use in plug-in hybrids ... "And so, we wanted to show a lithium ion car, the Energy CS car that is my car, the car I drive every day, and this NiMH car from Connecticut. It was a great combination to have those two cars there."  Kramer explained that there is a slight difference in the low-speed, electric-only range of the two cars: Electro Energy's NiMH car will do about 20 miles, while the Energy CS -- equipped with Valence Saphion lithium ion batteries -- will do between 25-30 miles as long as the speed is below 35 mph, at which point Toyota's computer control system will switch on the gasoline engine.

Bubble-fusion group suffer setback - Team admits a mix-up with one of their neutron detectors
Nature - Eugenie Samuel Reich 

An erratum providing details of the mistake by Rusi Taleyarkhan of Purdue University and colleagues has been published in Physical Review Letters1. .... Taleyarkhan claimed to have deployed three independent methods of detecting these neutrons, one of which was a boron trifluoride gas proportional tube with a polyethylene covering. His erratum notes that this actually turned out to be a lithium iodide crystal scintillation detector, also with a polyethylene covering.  According to the erratum, the error was discovered "upon disassembly of the outer coverings" of the detector and is due to "an oversight which was based on incorrect information from a person's recollection who loaned this apparatus for the study". 

(Neutron expert Mike Saltmarsh of Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee) points out that the data from the lithium iodide detector, as it is now known to be, are consistent with Naranjo's claim. In Taleyarkhan's experiment, the 'boron trifluoride' detector observed high levels of gamma rays (gamma-rays) alongside the neutrons, despite the fact that boron trifluoride detectors are not very sensitive to gamma-rays. Taleyarkhan and his colleagues suggest that neutrons from fusion were interacting with the detector's polyethylene coating to produce a slew of rays.  But the lithium iodide detector is more sensitive to gamma-rays, says Saltmarsh, and the lab source posited by Naranjo could easily have provided enough for the levels observed. 

Taleyarkhan's co-author Robert Block, of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, disagrees. Block says he and Taleyarkhan still think the observed gamma-rays are produced by fusion neutrons colliding in the polyethylene covering, no matter what the detector.

Purdue University scientist stands by his findings
Bubble Fusion Research Under Scrutiny-  Erico Guizzo  IEEE Spectrum 

This past March, Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Ind., announced that it was initiating a formal review of the bubble fusion research by Taleyarkhan...  Taleyarkhan told IEEE Spectrum that he was surprised by the allegations, which he said had not been discussed with him directly, and that he stands by his work. 
... Though Taleyarkhan and his collaborators are able to provide lucid accounts of how they believe they've achieved bubble fusion, relying on accepted principles of nuclear physics, skepticism centers on whether their neutrons are truly fusion's telltale neutrons 
... In a commentary submitted to Physical Review Letters, Brian Naranjo, a graduate student in Putterman's laboratory, analyzed data published in Taleyarkhan's latest paper and concluded that the energy spectrum presented as coming from neutrons produced in fusion is not the one expected for that type of reaction..... Taleyarkhan's response is that Naranjo "did not model the right experiment." The neutrons, he said, are not flying directly to the detectors placed around the flask; they are reflecting off different materials, such as the liquid, the glass flask, and ice packs that surround the setup. "He did not account for those intervening materials," Taleyarkhan says, adding, "You have a whole rainbow of neutron energies coming out." 
Taleyarkhan's collaborator Richard T. Lahey Jr., a professor of engineering and physics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in Troy, N.Y., says that a successful bubble fusion experiment depends heavily on the Pyrex glass flask and the ceramic piezoelectric ring that is attached to it to generate the sound waves. "I have offered to send actual design drawings so that others can build it and use it. Some have taken me up on my offer, but others have not." He says that Putterman was using a design "that was doomed to failure" and that he told him so when visiting his laboratory at UCLA last year.
.... "We had a demonstration, a live demonstration in our lab," Taleyarkhan told Spectrum. To detect the neutrons that he says are proof of fusion, Taleyarkhan used special plastic track detectors. These are transparent rectangles 2 by 1.3 centimeters and about as thick as a credit card that register the passage of neutrons that hit them; the tracks left are observable under a microscope. Taleyarkhan placed two pieces close to the flask and one away from it to serve as the background measurement. After several hours of exposure, only the pieces next to the flask had a significant number of neutron tracks. "It's actually live data. Unambiguous. You don't have to depend on electronics and fancy equipment. You see this thing in front of your eyes," Taleyarkhan says.

      Dr. Melvin H. Miles Cold Fusion Website

    Great new website devoted to cold fusion by one of the best researchers in the field, Dr. Mel Miles, PhD 

  Photo gallery
  Dr. Miles' Cold Fusion Internet Links


The firing of GRABLE from a 280 mm cannon was the first time an atomic artillery shell was fired and detonated. The Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Army, and the Army Chief of Staff, along with 96 Congressional observers, viewed the detonation from an area 11 kilometers west of ground zero. 


Atom Breaks Rules, Beats Friction   Live Science 30 March 2006 Bjorn Carey 

Scientists have found a molecule that can spin freely in liquid, clearing out water like a person swinging suitcases would clear a crowded room. The molecule spins without causing friction. That shouldn't be possible, according to a chemical physics theory. The finding could alter the way scientists think about chemical reactions in liquids. 
Researchers hit a drop of iodine cyanide and water with pulses from an ultraviolet laser, exciting one type of molecule to reconfigure into a small, peanut shape with a carbon atom on one end, a nitrogen atom on the other. 
The molecule heated up to 8,000 degrees Fahrenheit (4,427 Celsius) and started spinning at a furious 270 trillion rotations per minute.  .... Within the first quarter-turn, the molecule created a shock wave that kicked away surrounding water molecules. The peanut molecule created a nearly frictionless zone for itself in the 10-trillionths of a second the reaction lasted.  ....After the molecule completed about 10 rotations, the shock dwindled and the water molecules rushed back in.  Despite its fleeting nature, the reaction managed to smash the linear response theory, a chemistry model that states such a thing can't happen in a liquid environment.  ... The molecule's activity also runs against Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action there is an equal, but opposite, reaction. In the new experiment, there water molecules are displaced, but they don't in turn do anything to the peanut molecule. 

Does fusion scientist 'hold the secret'? - Deseret News March 24, 2006 Elaine Jarvik

He was ballyhooed and then discredited and then largely forgotten. But cold fusion pioneer Dr. Martin Fleischmann still holds the secret to a cheap energy source for the world, says a California company that plans to produce prototypes of a cold fusion-powered home heater, with Fleischmann as "senior scientific adviser." ... Eventually, though, "when truth and justice are done," says David Kubiak, the University of Utah will bask in the glory of its association with cold fusion. Kubiak is communications director of D2Fusion of Foster City, Calif., and Los Alamos, N.M., which will be hosting Fleischmann and is setting up a lab using his "recipe."

These days, Kubiak says, the term "cold fusion" has generally been replaced by "solid state fusion," "low-energy nuclear reactions" or "nuclear reactions in condensed matter." But the principles are still the same — a fusion reaction produced at normal temperatures using hydrogen-loving metals such as palladium or titanium.
To start with, D2Fusion plans to produce a 2,000-3,000 watt heater that would never need refueling. ...

Kubiak says scores of labs around the world are pursuing cold-fusion techniques, some of them originally inspired by Fleischmann's work in Utah. Fleischmann and Pons originally built their device for $100,000 in the basement of the Henry Eyring Chemistry Building. ....  The researchers now working on the technique "are not tin-pot inventors working out of a garage," he says. "They're top-notch scientists, including a couple of Nobel laureates."  "Instead of arguing any more about the theoretical basis of it," he says, "we're saying 'this works, this is where we should be putting our attention.' "

"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home." 
- Kenneth Olsen, president and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977. 


"There is not the slightest indication that [nuclear energy] will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will." 
- Albert Einstein, 1932. 

                "Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." 
[Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre] 

          "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." 
[Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895] 

          "Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." 
[Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre] 


Make Way For Ethanol - How fields of corn may hold the key to the future’s fuel source
The Guardian -  Katie Westfall 

The alcohol known as ethanol was used as a fuel in the early 20th century before Prohibition criminalized alcohol production, but has recently re-entered the limelight and is now being used as a fuel additive. It replaces the anti-knocking agent known as MBTE, which is being phased out after it was discovered to pollute groundwater. 
Ethanol is most commonly used in a blend known as E10, which is 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline. However, with the development of “flex-fuel” cars specifically built to handle a higher amount of the alcohol, the ethanol industry is pushing for the use of E85, a mixture of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline. Currently, there are about five million of these vehicles produced or sold. 
...  The United States is not the first to experiment with alternative fuels, and is, in fact, following in the wake of countries like Brazil, which has been producing ethanol-running cars since the late 1970s. According to an ethanol study conducted by the Solar Energy Research Institute, up to 90 percent of new cars in Brazil run on pure ethanol produced from sugar cane, with the remainder running on a blend of 20 percent ethanol and 80 percent gasoline. 
Although research is not complete, the preliminary experiments and computational studies have shown that, in some aspects, ethanol is better for the environment than gasoline or diesel fuels. 
.....  Saxena thinks that these obstacles can be overcome and that ethanol is a good stepping stone for energy evolution.  “Ethanol as an energy source is a good interim solution until we are able to accomplish hydrogen economy, fuel cells and cold-fusion technologies,” he said.

 Sonofusion - Background : The Star in a Jar

JET  Energy

Asymmetric Cathodic Electrolysis ( (c) courtesy of JET Thermal Products)

Asymmetric Electrolysis (above) 
Hydrogen fuel cells become faster and greener with new catalyst
Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Idaho have developed a highly efficient catalyst of multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with tiny particles of a platinum and ruthenium composite. Preparation is a key factor in determining the activity of a catalyst.
The researchers selected a process using supercritical carbon dioxide, which has the properties of a gas and a liquid. The supercritical fluid technology may result in products and processes that are cleaner, less expensive and of higher quality than those produced using conventional solvents.

Venture capitalist backs biofuel, says country can go down petroleum-free path 
Stanford Report, May 10, 2006
Delivering the keynote address at a Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research forum, titled "Prosperity Despite Expensive Oil: Energy Solutions for California, America and the World," on April 21, (Vinod) Khosla endorsed ethanol technologies, which produce "biofuels" out of switchgrass, wood chips, corn and recycled fast food oil.
"I don't think oil will ever [fall to] $40 a barrel until an alternative appears," Khosla said. "If an alternative appears, we will see the manipulation of oil prices to drive alternatives out of business. This [tax] is to assure Wall Street that [it] will not be subject to oil price manipulation by Saudi Arabia."

Clearwater Man Puts Technology To Work

CLEARWATER -- Working in a small, two-room shop at the Airport Business Center, Klein, 63, said he has developed a gas that speeds welding and fusing times and improves automobile fuel efficiency 30 percent.
Klein said he has a patent pending on the gas he has been working on for 12 years. Various models of his H2O electrolyzers are being used across the country in high school shop classes and undergoing testing to be certified for use in welding shops. Flipping a switch on his H2O 1500, Klein picks up a hose with a metal tip, creates a spark, and instantly a blue and white glowing stream shoots out of the metal tip. 
He holds the tip with his fingers to prove how cool it is to the touch, unlike such a tip when oxy-acetylene is burned for welding. But the instant he sets the flame on a charcoal briquette, it glows bright orange. Then, within seconds, he burns a hole through a brick, cuts steel and melts Tungsten.
.... Klein said his method for introducing hydrogen into a vehicle to increase mileage is superior to hydrogen used in fuel cells.

The Real Deal: America's Flying ReactorConvair NB-36H  - "The Crusader"
The NB-36H (originally designated XB-36H) was used in the studies and testing of an airborne nuclear reactor..... The NB-36H, named The Crusader, flew 47 times during the mid-1950s. 
The project was classified until late 1955 when the Department of Defense revealed the existance of the B-36 testbed for an airborne atomic reactor. ..... The XB-36H carried a crew of five: pilot, copilot, flight engineer, and two nuclear engineers. All crew members were located in the forward section of the aircraft while the atomic reactor was located aft. 


SPECIFICATIONS  Span: 230 ft. 0 in.   Length: 162 ft. 1 in. (as B-36H, the NB-36H was slightly shorter)  Height: 46 ft. 8 in.   Weight: 357,500 lbs. (max. gross weight) 

Crew: 5 (pilot, copilot, flight engineer and two nuclear engineers)
British Rail's nuclear flying saucer
Long-suffering rail commuters may be perplexed to learn that British Rail once patented a design for a bizarre and apparently impractical nuclear flying saucer. The spacecraft, "powered by laser-controlled thermonuclear fusion", would have provided a much more interesting commute. .... According to The Register, the patent probably remained hidden for so long because it concerned nuclear technology and was filed during the Cold War. 

The next saucer to Shoeburyness leaves from platform 5 ...

"We're getting there." That was the motto of British Rail in its 1980s heyday. But how they thought they might get there will come as a surprise to even diehard trainspotters: a decade earlier engineers had patented plans to transport passengers by nuclear-powered flying saucer  ... (I)n 1973 an inventor, Charles Osmond Frederick, patented the design for a craft powered by laser-controlled thermonuclear fusion. Designed to reach high speeds in space, it was meant to move us around the globe and even to other planets....  The disc would have had a flat, slightly concave underside, the patent said. "A controlled thermonuclear fusion reaction is ignited by one or more pulsed laser beams produced by lasers and reflected or focused on to a central reaction zone on the underside of the platform." 

 Rejection leaves bubble-fusion patent high and dry - Eugenie Reich 
"The US patent office has been drawn into the debate over whether bubble fusion has been achieved. In a crushing rejection of a patent application on the phenomenon, patent examiner Ricardo Palabrica concludes that despite the claims for bubble fusion presented in Science1 in 2002, he doesn't believe a word of them. "There is no reputable evidence of record to support any allegations or claims that the invention is capable of operating as indicated," he writes. .... In his assessment, published in September 2005, he attacks Taleyarkhan's claimed invention as "nothing more than a variation" of the discredited concept of cold fusion first put forward in the late 1980s by Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, and cites reproducibility concerns as a serious obstacle to obtaining a patent. "The statute requires the applicant to inform, not to direct others to find out for themselves [how to reproduce the invention]," he writes. .... The rejection could have been appealed but in December 2005 the DOE instead abandoned the claim altogether. A version of the patent filed in 2002 at the World Intellectual Property Organization is still under review in many countries." 

What exactly  is the background of the patent Examiner who denied the American DOE a patent on this subject?   Mr. Ricardo Palabrica may have also worked for the (International Atomic Energy Commission) IAEA  which may have serious implications given that America is conducting a War on Terror while "addicted to oil".
  • Mr. Palabrica apparently has also worked to circumvent dual regulation of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management program  Avoiding dual regulation of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management program Vlahakis, John G; Palabrica, Ricardo J  The 5th Annual International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management. Part 3 (of 4), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 05/22-26/94; pp. 1593-1596. 1994  - The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (RW) has successfully negotiated the issuance of a Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters Order that provides for exemption of RW from certain DOE directives....This Order is necessary to avoid the unwarranted cost and potential confusion resulting from dual regulation of RW facilities and activities by DOE and NRC. 
     Palabrica, R.J,, “International experience in the implementation of the lesson learned from the Three Mile Island incident”, Operational Safety of Nuclear Power Plants (Proc. Symp. Marseilles, 1983), Vol. 2, IAEA, Vienna (1984) , pp. 215–226.]

===>  Exactly when was Article 1 Section 8 amended to say  "The Congress shall have power ... To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries except when either anyone from  the International Atomic Energy Commission or Mohammad El-Baradei refuse to allow it."? 

[For Americans who want energy independence and are seriously concerned about this] 

Radioactive material found under N.Y. plant
High levels of strontium detected in groundwater near Hudson River

The radioactive leak in groundwater near the Hudson River came from the Indian Point nuclear power plant located in Buchanan, N.Y. 
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. - High levels of a radioactive material — nearly three times the amount permitted in drinking water — were found in groundwater near the Hudson River beneath a nuclear plant, the owner said Tuesday. The groundwater does not intersect drinking supplies, and although the strontium-90 is believed to have reached the Hudson it would be safely diluted in the river, said Jim Steets, spokesman for Entergy Nuclear Northeast.  The strontium ...  was found in a well dug in a search for the source of a leak of radioactive water at the Indian Point complex, about 30 miles north of New York City.  NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan said Tuesday that the commission still believes that radioactivity in the water — given that it is not drinking water — is well below the level that would "pose a risk to public health and safety." 
Entergy said water samples were taken at four depths in the well. Strontium levels, in picocuries per liter, were 2.4, 3.86, 18.2, and 22.7. The drinking water limit is 8. Tritium, which becomes dangerous only at much higher concentrations than strontium, was found at 12,800, 14,700, 28,000 and 13,300 picocuries per liter. The drinking water limit is 20,000.

"The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty—a fad." 
- 'Advice' from a president of the Michigan Savings Bank to Henry Ford's lawyer Horace Rackham. Rackham ignored the advice and invested $5000 in Ford stock, selling it later for $12.5 million. 

     "... after a few more flashes in the pan, we shall hear very little more of Edison or his electric lamp. Every claim he makes has been tested and proved impracticable." 
          [New York Times, January 16, 1880] 


The US Patent Office discriminates against Yankee ingenuity by being disingenuous, by "losing" records, and by being fixated upon events in 1989. 


   But this has so far been obstructed by many including some in the DOE 
and the US Patent Office, some who apparently have worked for IAEA and others who routinely and systematically stiffle free trade and national development for their own nefarious and egregious reasons. 
Congress funds the Patent Office "To promote the progress of science and useful arts" and yet there is no promotion and stiffled limited, if any, progress in America. 

Hopefully DOE's Secretary Bodman and the Patent Office's Director Dudas will finally take President Bush's Directive (SOTU 1/31/06) seriously.   But they will not without YOUR help NOW. 

Call your Senator and Congressperson today and 
DEMAND that the US Congress force  the DOE and the US Patent Office 
to FINALLY take cold fusion seriously now -- 
or that they henceforth forever be held accountable for making America addicted to oil. 

President George W. Bush  E-mail Address: 
Business Information: Fax: (202) 456-2461    White House Opinion Line: (202) 456-1111 
Toll free number to reach the US Capitol......1-877-762-8762 
  You can help!!!!  At least, write all your Representatives and Senators.

March 4th was the 217th Anniversary of the United States Constitution
(day it went into effect March 4, 1789).
Constitution of the United States     A History 

Article 1 Section 8
"The Congress shall have power .... To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;"


Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle: 
"Victory belongs to those who believe in it the most and believe in it the longest." 

State of The Union Address Transcript
White House | January 31, 2006 | President George Bush 
"Our nation is grateful to the fallen,
who live in the memory of our country.
We're grateful to all
who volunteer to wear our nation's uniform
-- and as we honor our brave troops,
let us never forget the sacrifices
of America's military families." 

[click each image for more information] 

Ray Charles --  "America The Beautiful" 

Report of Mike McKubre about the 5th ASTI and first ISCMNS meetings

DOE Warms to Cold Fusion
Whether outraged or supportive about DOE's planned reevaluation of cold fusion, 
most scientists remain deeply skeptical that it's real.

This is the COLD FUSION TIMES home page


"Your complete guide to cold fusion, condensed matter nuclear science, and low energy nuclear reactions"

"We coldly go where no one has gone before"

Chinese experimental thermonuclear reactor on discharge test in July - People's Daily 

China's new generation experimental Tokamak fusion device will conduct its first discharge test in July or August this year. If the experiments prove successful, it would be the world's first experimental nuclear fusion device to come into operation. . ... China has provided the project, dubbed the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), with an investment of 165 million yuan (about 20 million U.S. dollars). 
Using deuterium, which is in seawater, as fuel for reaction, a hydrogen plasma torus operating at over 100 million Celsius degrees will produce 500 megawatts of fusion power. The development of ITER is based on the idea of edging out irrecycled mineral resources such as uranium and plutonium. 
The EAST is an upgrade of China's first superconducting Tokamak device, dubbed HT-7, which was also built by the plasma physics institute in 1994. The HT-7 made China the fourth country in the world, after Russia, France and Japan, to have such a device. 

Building with light materials

Japan - A building under construction in Japan will use natural light to illuminate its rooms, even during the night. 
Japanese construction company Shimizu and electronics giant Sharp have jointly developed a transparent building material that absorbs light during the day and uses it to light up rooms when the Sun goes down. The material is being used to construct a new office complex in Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture, on the south eastern edge of Japan. 
Sections of the office's walls look transparent, but actually contain incredibly thin solar panels and as many as 320 light-emitting diodes that release whitish-blue light at night. .... the walls can convert 7% of solar energy into electricity and illuminate the building for an average of 4.6 hours every night.

 More cold water on fusion theory - Fascination with cold fusion Persists  - Apr. 15, 2006 Toronto Star - Jay Ingram 

It sounds weird, but in certain special circumstances, sound waves in a liquid can cause bubbles to collapse, and when they do they produce huge amounts (relative to their size, anyway) of energy. They can also reach temperatures that could sustain fusion. Taleyarkhan has seen this happen, more than once.

Nuclear fusion - Once is happenstance - Mar 9, 2006 
The Economist 

MAKE a mistaken claim in any branch of science, and endeavours in that field may be tainted for years. Faced with two such claims, the field is definitely in trouble. And that now seems to be the case for so-called “tabletop fusion”. .... Dr Naranjo took his data from a paper published by Dr Taleyarkhan in January. This appeared in an electronic format that allowed him to deduce those data from the graphs it showed, even though the raw numbers were not published. He argues that the resulting neutron energies are consistent with the decay of a standard radioactive source called 2{+5}2californium. Dr Taleyarkhan's description of his method explicitly excludes the possibility of such a source being present. Moreover, if Dr Naranjo is correct, 2{+5}2californium would appear to be present only in the experimental runs using deuterated acetone and not in the control experiments using normal acetone, pointing to the possibility of direct human interference. There is a certain amount of “history” between the two scientists. Dr Naranjo works in the laboratory of Seth Putterman, one of three researchers who peer-reviewed Dr Taleyarkhan's original Science paper and did not like it. When the journal published the paper anyway, Dr Putterman went public, arguing that Dr Taleyarkhan had not ruled out several potential sources of error in his paper. ... Moreover, the American patent office has quietly but firmly rejected Dr Taleyarkhan's bubble-fusion device. An application for a patent was filed in 2003, when he was still at Oak Ridge, on behalf of the Department of Energy, which funded the work. On December 27th last year the department formally abandoned the claim. Ricardo Palabrica of the Patent Office had described the application as “no more than just an unproven concept”.

Rejection leaves bubble-fusion patent high and dry - Eugenie Reich 
"The US patent office has been drawn into the debate over whether bubble fusion has been achieved. In a crushing rejection of a patent application on the phenomenon, patent examiner Ricardo Palabrica concludes that despite the claims for bubble fusion presented in Science1 in 2002, he doesn't believe a word of them. "There is no reputable evidence of record to support any allegations or claims that the invention is capable of operating as indicated," he writes. .... In his assessment, published in September 2005, he attacks Taleyarkhan's claimed invention as "nothing more than a variation" of the discredited concept of cold fusion first put forward in the late 1980s by Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, and cites reproducibility concerns as a serious obstacle to obtaining a patent. "The statute requires the applicant to inform, not to direct others to find out for themselves [how to reproduce the invention]," he writes. .... The rejection could have been appealed but in December 2005 the DOE instead abandoned the claim altogether. A version of the patent filed in 2002 at the World Intellectual Property Organization is still under review in many countries."
Purdue University investigating 'sonofusion' claims - PhysOrgForum 
"I have asked Purdue's Office of the Vice President of Research to conduct a thorough review of the work and any concerns expressed about it," Purdue Provost Sally Mason said in a statement published on the university website. The research claims are very significant, and the allegations are very serious. As in any scientific endeavor, Purdue's ultimate goals are truth and integrity," she added.  Taleyarkhan first published his research findings four years ago in Science magazine and later in several prestigious scientific journals. He claimed to have generated nuclear reactions by creating tiny bubbles that implode with tremendous force. .... Purdue said Talyarkhan and his co-authors stand by their findings and that the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency continued to fund sonofusion research at Purdue and at other universities.

Scientist Says He Stands by Fusion Data - March 9, 2006 Kenneth Chang
"A nuclear scientist at Purdue said yesterday that he would cooperate with the university's review of his fusion research. "From a technical point, we stand by our data," said the scientist, Rusi P. Taleyarkhan, a professor of nuclear engineering. Dr. Taleyarkhan said that he saw the article for the first time yesterday and that his Purdue colleagues' complaints "came as a major surprise to me."

College Reviews Physicist's Tabletop Fusion Claims
Evidence suggests the Purdue researcher's data are flawed
He stands by his work  - Thomas H. Maugh II 
Taleyarkhan expressed confidence that Purdue's review would vindicate his claims, but other researchers said the evidence was likely to be a death knell for the controversial technology, which proponents had claimed would eventually become a major energy source. ... Taleyarkhan has been "negligent or jumped the gun or concocted data — one of those — and has distracted us from a serious problem at the frontiers of research," said UCLA physicist Seth J. Putterman ....  Taleyarkhan reported that he generated bubbles using neutrons to bombard acetone whose hydrogen atoms had been replaced with deuterium, then collapsed the bubbles with a blast of ultrasonic energy.  He said he observed neutrons and tritium, both byproducts of the fusion of deuterium atoms. He submitted a paper to the journal Science, where it was published over the vehement objections of three separate reviewers: Suslick, Putterman and physicist Lawrence A. Crum of the University of Washington.

Is bubble fusion simply hot air? Concerns gather momentum over claims for table-top energy production
In 2002, Taleyarkhan claimed to have demonstrated this effect, generating energy by fusing the nuclei of deuterium, a heavier isotope of hydrogen, inside collapsing bubbles2, and followed it in 2004 with further positive results3.
But his results have been controversial from the start. When Science published Taleyarkhan's initial paper, the three researchers who peer-reviewed the work took the unusual step of shedding their anonymity to criticize the journal's decision to publish4. The three - Seth Putterman of the University of California, Los Angeles, Ken Suslick of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Lawrence Crum of the University of Washington in Seattle - argued that Taleyarkhan had not ruled out several potential sources of error in his paper.

Purdue scientist is under scrutiny  -  Will Higgins 
Purdue University is reviewing allegations that one of its professors, a scientist who claims he has developed a way to produce nuclear fusion in a test tube, misrepresented his research findings. 
 In a telephone interview Wednesday, Rusi Taleyarkhan, a member of Purdue's faculty since 2004, said he stands by his work "absolutely."  Last spring, two junior Purdue researchers, post-doctoral research associate Yiban Xu and graduate research assistant Adam Butt, claimed to have confirmed Taleyarkhan's findings in research published in the magazine Nuclear Engineering and Design. Xu and Butt's research was the first confirmation of Taleyarkhan's work.  Xu said Wednesday he stands by his study. Butt could not be reached for comment.

Bubble bursts for table-top fusion - Data analysis calls bubble fusion into question - Eugenie Samuel Reich 
Putterman has been a key critic of Taleyarkhan's work since 2002, when Taleyarkhan first published his claim to have achieved bubble fusion. Putterman and others argue that Taleyarkhan has not been able to rule out several potential sources of error in his experiment. In particular, they were concerned that the source of neutrons Taleyarkhan used to seed bubble formation in the liquid could have been responsible for the neutrons detected during the experiment and cited as evidence for fusion.  But Naranjo and Putterman say that the spectrum that Taleyarkhan claims proves neutrons were generated by fusion looks nothing like it should given the equipment used. ... "The published spectrum is totally inconsistent with that of 2.45 MeV neutrons, raising doubt over the fusion claim," says Naranjo. The spectrum for such neutrons should have a hump in the middle and a sharp cut-off at higher energies.

Scientists unplug tabletop fusion - Chris Williams March 8, 2006
Today marks the fourth anniversary of the original announcement and four years in which nobody outside Taleyarkhan's research group has been able to reproduce the positive results.
Taleyarkhan's big idea of sonoluminescent fusion involves firing soundwaves at a container of bubbling acetone "seeded" with a beam of neutrons....Taleyarkhan defended his findings in a 2005 episode of the BBC's Horizon strand, protesting: "My lab has been audited, my instruments have been audited, my books have been audited, the data speaks for itself."

 University to Investigate Fusion Study - Kenneth Chang  March 8, 2006
Purdue University has opened an investigation into "extremely serious" concerns regarding the research of a professor who said he had produced nuclear fusion in a tabletop experiment... Taleyarkhan..  said they were able to achieve the same feat by blasting a container of liquid solvent with strong ultrasonic vibrations. 
... Brian Naranjo, a graduate student at the University of California, Los Angeles, [CFTimes Ed: Naranjo is co-author with Seth Putterman of a competing system] said his analysis of data from the last scientific paper that was published by Dr. Taleyarkhan's group showed a chance of less than one in 10 million that the emission pattern could have been generated by fusion.  Instead, Mr. Naranjo said that the pattern of particles seen in the experiment much more closely matched that given off by californium
(WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Taleyarkhan, whose study was published while he was at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, now works at Purdue 
University in Indiana and has also been trying to replicate his earlier findings. 
... Naranjo's lab reported in April 2005 that it had achieved cold fusion by heating a lithium crystal soaked in deuterium gas. ... In his original report, published in the journal Science in 2002, Talayarkhan and colleagues said they created nuclear fusion in a beaker of chemically altered acetone by bombarding it with neutrons and then sound waves to make bubbles.
Blog excerpts on the Sonofusion controversy
FRee Republic: University checks "bubble fusion" fraud claim (cold fusion fraud)
"As anyone who has paid attention to the cold fusion committee in the past 15 years, you would know that if literally God himself handed a working prototype that produced cold fusion, the cold fusion committee would call it a fraud. It's never enough with them."

"It does seem that it is the group at UC that is raising the biggest stink about this claim, and since they have a competing claim of table-top fusion of their own, it does raise questions about their impartiality."
Experts argue about Cold fusion  Haiko Lietz - Handelsblatt, March 23, 2006, p.11

"At present a public dispute raves over "bubble fusion" among physicists, which is often called "cold fusion"; both promise fusion energy without much expenditure. Rusi Taleyarkhan of the Purdue university in Indiana  uses fusion of hydrogen atoms in the solvent acetone, after its hydrogen atoms were replaced by deuterium (heavy hydrogen with neutron in the core) in an ultrasonic field. 
With fusion much energy becomes free. Controlled "hot fusion" after the model of the sun is considered as the energy source of the future.   ... Cold fusion was presented today 17 years ago by Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons as deuterium fusion at ambient temperature. The two chemistry professors maintained it in a cathode of the precious metal palladium. Since that time cold fusion has been continuously investigated. 
The "most convincing evidence" would come from Germany. Physicists of the Technical University of Berlin even measured abnormally high fusion rates in metals with accelerator experiments in a temperature range between hot and cold fusion in palladium and an unexpected weakening of neutron production. These results were published recently in the "European Physical Journal A".
"Although cold fusion has the potential to solve our energy problems it is a red cloth for science and politics", says Jan Marwan. The chemist terminated his academic career, to develop cold fusion as a commercial energy source in his lab in Berlin."

Cheap Hydrogen Fuel: GE says its new machine could make the hydrogen economy affordable
Technology Review   March 9, 2006 - David Talbot 

GE says its new machine could make the hydrogen economy affordable, by slashing the cost of water-splitting technology. ...Now researchers at GE say they've come up with a less expensive, easy-to-manufacture apparatus that can directly produce hydrogen via electrolysis for about $3 per kilogram -- a quantity roughly comparable to a gallon of gasoline -- down from today's $8 per kilogram. That could make it economically practical for future fuel-cell vehicles that run on hydrogen...... Bourgeois' research team came up with a way to make future electrolyzers largely out of plastic. They used a GE plastic called Noryl that is extremely resistant to the highly alkaline potassium hydroxide. And because the plastic is easy to form and join, manufacturing an electrolyzer is relatively cheap. Inside the plastic housing, metal electrodes still do the same job. But because GE is using less electrode material, the reactivity of the electrodes' surfaces is improved. To do this, the researchers borrowed a spray-coating process -- normally used to apply coatings for parts on jet engines -- to coat the electrodes with a proprietary nickel-based catalyst with a large surface area.

The atom bombshell that is splitting opinion
Financial Times  March 9, 2006 - Robert Matthews
Dr Mills first came across quantum mechanics after graduating in medicine from Harvard and taking up post-graduate studies in electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Struck by the weirdness of the theory, he set about devising a radically different account of the sub-atomic world, based on ideas from Victorian physics. 
In a series of papers published in academic journals, he argues for a new picture of the hydrogen atom, with the lone electron whizzing around a central proton replaced with a spherical shell of electric charge.  .... According to Dr Mills, this simple modification utterly transforms the physics of the atom. While all the successes of conventional quantum mechanics are kept, a whole raft of solutions to previously insoluble problems emerge – such as the predictions of the properties of molecules.  ....  Whether his theory is right is ultimately irrelevant, however. What really matters is whether hot hydrogen can be persuaded to give out more energy than it takes in, making it a viable power source.

No future for [hot] fusion power, says top scientist
March 9 2006, NewScientist - David L Chandler

Nuclear fusion will never be a practical source of electrical power, argues a prominent scientist in the journal Science.  Even nuclear fusion’s staunchest advocates admit a power-producing fusion plant is still decades away at best, despite forty years of hard work and well over $20 billion spent on the research. But the new paper, personally backed by the journal’s editor, issues a strong challenge to the entire fusion programme, arguing that the whole massive endeavour is never likely to lead to anything practical or useful.  "The history of this dream is as discouraging as it is expensive," wrote William Parkins, a physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project during the second world war, who later became the chief scientist at US engineering firm Rockwell International.  ...The issues include the potentially prohibitive costs of building, and the difficulties of repairing and maintaining the reaction vessel. This massive "blanket" of lithium and rare metals – that must surround the fusion-generating plasma in order to absorb its emitted neutrons – will degrade and become radioactive over time, requiring regular dismantling and replacement.  But Porkolab concedes that a functioning power-producing fusion reactor is probably 50 years off, and that is too far in the future for any reasonable conclusions to be drawn on its economic viability. "It depends on what the price of oil is going to be 50 years from now," he says.
Did "Dark Matter" Create the First Stars?  - Max Planck Society  March, 15 2006 

"Dark matter could be "sterile" neutrinos, whose decay led to the formation of stars in the early universe 
Dark matter may have played a major role in creating stars at the very beginnings of the universe. If that is the case, however, the dark matter must consist of particles called "sterile neutrinos". ... when sterile neutrinos decay, it speeds up the creation of molecular hydrogen. This process could have helped light up the first stars only some 20 to 100 million years after the big bang. This first generation of stars then ionised the gas surrounding them, some 150 to 400 million years after the big bang. All of this provides a simple explanation to some rather puzzling observations concerning dark matter, neutron stars, and antimatter (Physical Review Letters, March 10, 2006). 
 The total number of sterile neutrinos in the universe is unclear. If a sterile neutrino only has a mass of a few kiloelectronvolts (1 keV is a millionth of the mass of a hydrogen atom), that would explain the huge, missing mass in the universe, sometimes called "dark matter".  ... sterile neutrinos can help explain the absence of antimatter in the universe. In the early universe, sterile neutrinos could have "stolen" what is called the "lepton number" from plasma. At a later time, the lack of lepton number was converted to a non-zero baryon number. The resulting asymmetry between baryons (like protons) and antibaryons (like antiprotons) could be the reason why the universe has no antimatter." 

Sterile neutrinos: references and links

Head of the "guitar nebula". The formation contains a fast moving pulsar followed by a tail of gas. 
[Hubble Space Telescope (NASA/ESA), Shami Shatterjee] 

"Pulsars are neutron stars rotating at a very high velocity. They are created in supernova explosions and normally are ejected in one direction. The explosion gives them a "push", like a rocket engine. Pulsars can have velocities of hundreds of kilometres per second - or sometimes even thousands. The origin of these velocities remains unknown, but the emission of sterile neutrinos would explain the pulsar kicks."


Air Force committed to energy-efficient strategies
 3/6/2006 - WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- The Air Force continues its pledge to be a leader in energy stewardship. According to Dr. Sega, the Air Force is also looking at alternative sources of energy, from potential conversion of natural gas or coal to jet fuel, to increased use of renewable energy sources.

Nuclear Reactors Top Dubai Ports' Cargo List
Nuclear reactors are among the most significant U.S. exports shipped out of five of the six ports slated for takeover by a Dubai company next week. ... The Port of Miami unloads 1,247 ships annually. There the two top products are "apparel [and] nuclear reactors." 

Alternative-Energy Stocks Shine As High Oil Costs Here To Stay


Toshiba faces hurdles to buy Westinghouse
TOKYO - The head of Toshiba had good reason to sound a trifle defensive about his company's $5.4 billion purchase of U.S. nuclear power company Westinghouse. ...following the announcement earlier this month that the electronics company will buy Monroeville, Pa.-based Westinghouse Electric Co. from British Nuclear Fuels PLC. .... Toshiba has built 22 nuclear power plants in Japan since entering the business in 1966, and is building another one here and two in Taiwan. 
.... By acquiring Westinghouse, Toshiba becomes the world's No. 1 nuclear power company, with a 28 percent share in the global market, Nishida said. 

U.S., Britain conduct nuclear experiment at Nevada Test Site
LAS VEGAS (AP) - U.S. and British government scientists performed an underground nuclear experiment, short of a nuclear blast, Tuesday at the Nevada Test Site, the National Nuclear Security Administration said.  Scientists for the first time posted a nearly eight minute video Web log of preparations for the subcritical experiment. The operation, dubbed "Krakatau," involved detonating high explosives around a radioactive material in a vault about 1,000 feet below ground at a remote part of the desert testing range. 

U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Site Office
Historical Test Films

Updates on the Murder of Dr. Mallove
Man to face trial for murder of New Hampshire man
NEW LONDON, Conn. A judge in Connecticut has ruled there is enough evidence to try a Groton (Connecticut) man for murder in the killing of a New Hampshire man last year in an apparent robbery.
The judge ruled yesterday that 39-year-old Joseph Reilly will face trial in the beating death of Eugene Mallove, a scientist and author. Forty-three-year-old Gary McAvoy, formerly of Norwich, also is charged with murder.

Judge finds probable cause for Mallove murder trial
NEW LONDON —Despite a lack of direct forensic evidence, a Superior Court judge Tuesday ruled that state prosecutors showed enough for her to find probable cause to send a man to trial for murder.Joseph Reilly, 39, now awaits a trial on the charge of felony murder in the beating death of Eugene Mallove, 56, according to Tuesday’s ruling by Judge Susan B. Handy. 
Reilly is one of two convicts charged in connection with the May 14, 2004, slaying of Mallove at his childhood home at 119 Salem Turnpike in Norwich. Norwich police have also arrested Gary McAvoy, 43, who waived his right to a probable cause hearing.

Updates on the Murder of Dr. Mallove (cont.)

Evidence may link together three crimes
STONINGTON -- Investigators are now trying to piece together evidence involved in three violent crimes that happened in southeastern Connecticut. Stonington police are not commenting on any evidence they found linking a Jarion Childs, 27, a former Groton basketball standout, to the beating, robbery and death of an 89-year-old local farmer....Now the evidence gathered at the Groton and Stonington crime scenes may be connected to a murder case 20 miles away. Eugene Mallove, a world expert on cold fusion, was killed during what police suspect was a robbery at his mother's rental property in Norwich.
 Record Set for Hottest Temperature on Earth: 3.6 Billion Degrees in Lab Ker Than 
Scientists have produced superheated gas exceeding temperatures of 2 billion degrees Kelvin, or 3.6 billion degrees Fahrenheit. ...They don't know how they did it. The feat was accomplished in the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories. Thermonuclear explosions are estimated to reach only tens to hundreds of millions of degrees Kelvin; other nuclear fusion experiments have achieved temperatures of about 500 million degrees Kelvin, said a spokesperson at the lab. The achievement was detailed in the Feb. 24 issue of the journal Physical Review Letters. The Z machine is the largest X-ray generator in the world. It’s designed to test materials under extreme temperatures and pressures. It works by releasing 20 million amps of electricity into a vertical array of very fine tungsten wires. The wires dissolve into a cloud of charged particles, a superheated gas called plasma. A very strong magnetic field compresses the plasma into the thickness of a pencil lead. .... Sandia researchers still aren’t sure how the machine achieved the new record. Part of it is probably due to the replacement of the tungsten steel wires with slightly thicker steel wires, which allow the plasma ions to travel faster and thus achieve higher temperatures.
Whatever Happened to Cold Fusion?   Susan Kruglinski
DISCOVER 27, 3   March 2006

 "In 1989 Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann made front-page news when they announced that they had fused the nuclei of atoms in a jar of water—a process that normally requires the heat of an H-bomb. In theory, room-temperature, or "cold," fusion could provide cheap, nearly limitless energy. No replication of the experiment could pass muster with critics, and most researchers dismissed the work as bogus."

Cold Fusion Times:  This is nonsense.  Multiple replications followed, and they should have satisfied pathological critics IF they were really able to read and understand science.

"Still, a few physicists keep the field alive and kicking. "There's something in the neighborhood of 20 basic experiments out there these days that are of interest," says MIT physicist Peter Hagelstein.  ... The scientists who continue to work in the field claim that their experiments show minute, unexplained outputs of energy.. .... Hagelstein insists that those beyond the inner circle don't know the whole story. ""

Cold Fusion Times:  Incorrect. Very large amounts of excess heat develop in successful experiments which are much greater than 'minute'.  Energy gains of 200-300% beyond the input have been reported over and over.
Discover Magazine, like the pathological critics, OUGHT to consider actually reading the papers, journals, and conference proceedings OR subscribe to the COLD FUSION TIMES.


THE REAL DEAL:  Superb Book on Cold Fusion
Cold Fusion: Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
[Proceedings ICCF-11]
Edited by Jean-Paul Biberian 
(Université de la Méditerranée, France) 
   916 pages  (February, 2006)

 THE REAL DEAL:  Superb Book on Cold Fusion
Cold Fusion: Condensed Matter 
Nuclear Science
[Proceedings ICCF-10]
Peter L. Hagelstein and Scott Chubb (Editors) 
1048 pages World Scientific Publishing Company (January 30, 2006)

Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusion
Tadahiko Mizuno
Fire from Ice : Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor
Dr. Eugene J. Mallove
Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed
Charles G. Beaudette
Electrogravitics Systems : Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology
Thomas Valone
 FUSION ENERGY, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives" ISBN 0-16-041505-5. (May 5, 1993) U.S. Government Printing Office, 
(202) 783-3238
Hal Fox "Cold Fusion Impact
(Fusion Information Center 1993)
Richard Milton, "Forbidden Science", ISBN 1-85702-302-1
Paul A. Laviolette
Subquantum Kinetics : The Alchemy of Creation Paul A. Laviolette
Quest for Zero Point Energy Engineering Principles for Free Energy Moray B. King 
Cold Fusion - Making of a Scientific Controversy Peat FD
Cold Fusion Scientific Fiasco of the Century Huizenga JR
Dialogue on Chemically Induced Nuclear Effects : A Guide for the Perplexed About Cold Fusion Hoffman N
Too Hot to Handle The Race for Cold Fusion Close F
Strategy Kinetics  - Overcoming Uncertainty 
Through Dynamic Strategy Development And Implementation

  Cold Fusion

"....  You may remember that in the 1980s, chemists Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann created a sensation when they announced they had produced excess energy -- more out than went in -- in a table-top experiment. The source of this excess energy was cold fusion, sometimes referred to as Low Energy Nuclear Reactions ("LENR"). ... 
Many tried to duplicate the Pons and Fleischmann results. Some at MIT failed to reproduce the results although there has been a long running battle over falsified data, misrepresentation, and the intrusion of funding politics and the defense of scientific reputations related to the negative MIT results. Based on these and other negative results, the Department of Energy has for a long time not taken serious any of the positive cold fusion results. And for the most part, the US Patent Office has refused for a long time to grant patents explicitly relating to cold fusion, although a few following the original Pons and Fleischmann results.
Turns out that it's not easy to do the proper experiments and for a couple of reasons. First, calorimetry - roughly the science of heat measurement - is a difficult and some would say a dying art. More importantly, according to some, is that most experiments did not use controls, a foundation of much experimental science. In the experimental sciences, results are always in comparison to something. ...

Here's what I believe to be the consensus views of those working in the field: 
Cold Fusion is real and has been reproduced many times in several labs around the world. 
The hurricanes that blow against the reality of CF are driven in large part by those whose economic interests are threatened if CF is real, namely carbon-based energy industries and the hot fusion research community. 
.... The research continues to accumulate on both the experimental and theoretical fronts. The open question seems to be when the CF community will reach the tipping point."

Cold Fusion Redux

"So the future of energy just might include Cold Fusion..."
'AFTER 16 years, it's back. In fact, cold fusion never really went away. Over a 10-year period from 1989, US navy labs ran more than 200 experiments to investigate whether nuclear reactions generating more energy than they consume - supposedly only possible inside stars - can occur at room temperature. ... according to David Nagel, an engineer at George Washington University in Washington DC. Superconductors took 40 years to explain, he points out, so there's no reason to dismiss cold fusion. "The experimental case is bulletproof," he says. "You can't make it go away."'

Peak Oil Scenarios
Quantum computer works best switched off    NewScientist   February 22 2006
"A quantum computer program has produced an answer without actually running. 
The idea behind the feat, first proposed in 1998, is to put a quantum computer into a “superposition”, a state in which it is both running and not running. It is as if you asked Schrödinger's cat to hit "Run". 
With the right set-up, the theory suggested, the computer would sometimes get an answer out of the computer even though the program did not run. ... 

They send a photon into a system of mirrors and other optical devices, which included a set of components that run a simple database search by changing the properties of the photon. 
The new design includes a quantum trick called the Zeno effect. Repeated measurements stop the photon from entering the actual program, but allow its quantum nature to flirt with the program's components - so it can become gradually altered even though it never actually passes through. 

"It is very bizarre that you know your computer has not run but you also know what the answer is," says team member Onur Hosten." 

Nature (vol 439, p 949) 
New Scientist magazine, 2540, 22 February 2006, page 21


Nanoscience Study Shows That Quantum Dots "Talk"  - Feb 21, 2006 , Christina Dierkes

Athens, Ohio — "Scientists who hope to use quantum dots as the building blocks for the next generation of computers have found a way to make these artificial atoms communicate. 

“Essentially, the dots talk to each other,” said Ameenah Al-Ahmadi. ... The dots are tiny, engineered spherical crystals about 5 nanometers in diameter. An average biological cell, in comparison, has a diameter of about 1,000 nanometers. Researchers believe that quantum dots will be extremely useful in developing nanoscale technologies because they are versatile and uniform, which could eliminate possible variations and flaws in materials. 

In the recent study, the researchers were the first to use theoretical models to show how light energy shining on quantum dots would prompt them to transfer energy in a “coherent” fashion. They found that when the dots were arranged a certain distance from each other – greater than the radius of the dots – light waves traveled between the nanocrystals in a consistent pattern. In previous research, the light’s wavelength would change or become irregular during the energy exchange, which creates a breakdown in communication between quantum dots..... 

The applications of the new quantum dot technology also could include medical imaging. Quantum dots could be injected into the patient, and a device containing more quantum dots could be used to show the position of dots under the skin. Current biology research has had great success with this type of imaging in mouse models, Ulloa said. The dots have fewer side effects than contrast chemicals used in X-rays, and may eventually replace traditional contrast media."

2006 APS Meeting  on  Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion – A 17 Year Retrospective  - Michael McKubre , Francis Tanzella 

Recent Developments in Cold Fusion / Condensed Matter Nuclear Science - Steven Krivit 

Role of Finite Size in Triggering Excess Heat: Why Nanoscale PdD Crystals Turn on Faster - Scott Chubb 

Resolving the Laughlin Paradox - Talbot Chubb 

Dynamics of Non-linear Soft X-Ray Emission from a Plasma Discharge-Driven Hydride Target  George H. Miley , Yang Yang , Michael Romer , Munima Haque , Ian Percel , Andrei Lipson , Heinz Hora 

Control of Tardive Thermal Power - Mitchell Swartz 


2006 APS Meeting  on  Cold Fusion (cont.)

Progress in Excess of Power Experiments with Electrochemical Loading of Deuterium in Palladium
V. Violante , M. Bertolotti , E. Castagna , C. Sibilia , Irv Dardik , S. Lesin , T. Ziloy , F. Sarto , F. Tanzella , Michael C. H. McKubre

Cavitation Foil Damage - Roger Stringham 

Isoperibolic Calorimetry Applied To The Pt/D2O Blank System - Martin Fleischmann , Melvin Miles 

New Mechanism of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Using Superlow Energy Fields - F.A. Gareev , I.E. Zhidkova 

Comments on Summary of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science - Xing Z. Li , Bin Liu , Qing M. Wei , Shu X. Zheng , Dong X. Cao 

Excess heat observed during electrolysis of deuterated phosphoric acid with palladium electrodes and a solid state electrolyte in deuterium gas - J.-P. Biberian , G. Lonchampt 

Creating an International Scientific Society as an Act of Scientific Rebellion - William Collis 

Nanotechnology and Energy

MIT researchers introduce nanotech battery

Nanotube ultracapacitors would store energy on atomic level, providing what is said to be the first technologically significant and economically viable alternative to conventional batteries in more than 200 years. 
 Carbon nanotubes are key to MIT researchers' efforts to improve on an energy storage device called an ultracapacitor.
Capacitors store energy as an electrical field, making them more efficient than standard batteries, which get their energy from chemical reactions. Ultracapacitors are capacitor-based storage cells that provide quick, massive bursts of instant energy. .. The LEES ultracapacitor has the capacity to overcome this energy limitation by using vertically aligned, single-wall carbon nanotubes -- one thirty-thousandth the diameter of a human hair and 100,000 times as long as they are wide. ...Storage capacity in an ultracapacitor is proportional to the surface area of the electrodes. Today's ultracapacitors use electrodes made of activated carbon, which is extremely porous and therefore has a very large surface area. However, the pores in the carbon are irregular in size and shape, which reduces efficiency. The vertically aligned nanotubes in the LEES ultracapacitor have a regular shape, and a size that is only several atomic diameters in width. The result is a significantly more effective surface area, which equates to significantly increased storage capacity.
MIT researchers fired up about battery alternative

Nanotube Structures Key to Battery Alternative

MIT develops new fast-charging battery technology
ideal for automobiles
"The MIT team's new lithium battery contains manganese and nickel, which are cheaper than cobalt. 
Scientists already knew that lithium nickel manganese oxide could store a lot of energy, but the material took too long to charge to be commercially useful. The MIT researchers set out to modify the material's structure to make it capable of charging and discharging more quickly..... Lithium nickel manganese oxide consists of layers of metal (nickel and manganese) separated from lithium layers by oxygen. The major problem with the compound was that the crystalline structure was too "disordered," meaning that the nickel and lithium were drawn to each other, interfering with the flow of lithium ions and slowing down the charging rate. 
Lithium ions carry the battery's charge, so to maximize the speed at which the battery can charge and discharge, the researchers designed and synthesized a material with a very ordered crystalline structure, allowing lithium ions to freely flow between the metal layers. A battery made from the new material can charge or discharge in about 10 minutes -- about 10 times faster than the unmodified lithium nickel manganese oxide." 

An electron micrograph of lithium nickel manganese oxide. The white layers are 
nickel manganese oxide; dark layers are lithium 

Lithium nickel manganese oxide consists of layers of transition metal (nickel and manganese, blue layer) separated from lithium layers (green) by oxygen (red) [Ceder Laboratory]

A very sad day for cold fusion, science and Energy security for America and  the Free World

Glenn T. Seaborg briefing President George Bush on how to 
cover up the 'cold fusion' phenomena

White House on April 14, 1989 - Beginning the coverup of cold fusion: 

Dr. Seaborg describes cold fusion as, "the idea that you could fuse nuclei very easily and get a lot of energy just by passing electric current through water." "The idea swept the country and I was called to Washington to brief the President on it. "I decided to take my background as a nuclear scientist and really come to the sensible conclusion that this work was not right, that it was really, well... cold. You couldn't do it." But the idea could not be easily dismissed, and Dr. Seaborg made the President aware of this. "I said, 'You can't just go out and say, "This is not valid." You're going to have to create a high-level panel that will study it for six months, and then they'll tell you it's not valid '; and that's what he did."

Lab fireball 'may be black hole'

Creating the conditions for the formation of black holes is one of the aims of particle physics 
A fireball created in a US particle accelerator has the characteristics of a black hole, a physicist has said. 

It was generated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York, US, which smashes beams of gold nuclei together at near light speeds. 

Horatiu Nastase says his calculations show that the core of the fireball has a striking similarity to a black hole. 

His work has been published on the pre-print website and is reported in New Scientist magazine. 

When the gold nuclei smash into each other they are broken down into particles called quarks and gluons. 

These form a ball of plasma about 300 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. This fireball, which lasts just 10 million, billion, billionths of a second, can be detected because it absorbs jets of particles produced by the beam collisions. 

But Nastase, of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, says there is something unusual about it. 

Ten times as many jets were being absorbed by the fireball as were predicted by calculations. 

The Brown researcher thinks the particles are disappearing into the fireball's core and reappearing as thermal radiation, just as matter is thought to fall into a black hole and come out as "Hawking" radiation. 

However, even if the ball of plasma is a black hole, it is not thought to pose a threat. At these energies and distances, gravity is not the dominant force in a black hole.


   Cold Fusion Times References (UPDATED)

Cold Fusion Times Cold Fusion Links

Dr. Britz Papers (missing conference, JNE, etc)

Lietz References

Free Energy News Directory

'LENR site' References

 Tom Bearden Website

 A Partial List of Successful Documented EM Over-Unity and Negative Resistor Devices and Processes

Ferroelectric Capacitors and the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier

Hitachi Engineers confirm Over-Unity Process

Dr. Deborah Chung's Negative Resistor

Flynn research

Parallel Path Electromagnetic Motors



23-25 September 2006:  The 7th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen / Deuterium Loaded Metals - Asti, Italy 

10-15 June 2007:  ICCF13 - Sochi, Russia at the Dagomys Hotel - Dr. Yuri Bazhutov 

2008: ICCF14 - Washington DC, US

   The International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Other Alternative Energy Updates

Novel invention could mean cheaper source of energy from solar power

The only way to make photovoltaic energy more widely used, is to make devices (including solar panels) that are much cheaper than the current silicon-based devices. The most promising PV material identified to date is Copper-Indium-Gallium-Diselenide (CIGS).  CIGS is much more efficient than silicon at converting incident sunlight into an electric current: Less than one micron of CIGS absorbs more than 99% of available incident solar energy, compared to 350 microns of silicon to do the same job.

“Dark energy” might not exist, scientists say

A growing number of researchers claim a mysterious “dark energy,” which most cosmologists believe fills space, might not exist. Instead, they say, the laws of gravity might need some correction. ... 
In a new paper, three researchers say they can account for the accelerated expansion by tweaking the laws of gravity, with no need for dark energy. ... 
Not unlike dark energy, dark matter is an unseen substance that astronomers believe pervades the cosmos, but it is different. Dark matter, which would comprise more than 90% of the weight of the universe, is thought to betray its existence through its gravitational pull on nearby objects. ... 
.The accelerated cosmic expansion, which prompted the dark energy idea, was detected in 1998 through observations of distant exploding stars known as supernovae. Two separate groups found supernovae that were dimmer, and thus further away, than they should have been if the universe was expanding at a steady rate, as was then believed. 
The key to the proposal from Mena’s team is that gravity is modified in such a way that the change is noticeable only at the largest distance scales—the only scales over which the accelerated expansion is evident. 

Pond life: the future of energy - Hydrogen-producing algae breakthrough - Chris Williams 

Genetic engineers have made a leap in developing a strain of algae with the potential to supply fuel for a future hydrogen economy, Wired reports. Unpublished work from the University of California at Berkeley may have brought the technology past the economically viable 10 per cent efficiency level. By shortening the chlorophyll stacks in the photosynthetic organelles, plant physiologist Tasios Melis has "probably" passed the threshold. 
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells alternate between trapping carbon dioxide by photosysnesis and hydrogen production. Research has already ramped-up the rate by a factor of 100,000 by isolating the algae from sulphur, and groups are working to further improve it. One problem is the hydrogenase enzyme, which releases the precious fuel, cannot currently function in the presence of oxygen - but photosynthesis produces oxygen. 

Tapping Rocks for Power
A European consortium is drawing closer to building a megawatt-scale power plant that uses bedrock heat Peter Fairley 

Spend time in the French village of Soultz-sous-Forêts and you're likely to experience a manmade earthquake. The vibrations -- some as high as 2.87 on the Richter scale -- are the most conspicuous element of a renewable energy research program that may succeed where others have failed. By fracturing granite bedrock located five kilometers below the surface and pumping in super-saline water, a team of French, German, and Swiss engineers are extracting the rock's thermal energy, and they plan to use it to produce pollution-free electricity. .... By this time next year, they expect to be transforming this heat into at least 1.5 megawatts of renewable power for the grid. 

Scientists back nuclear power to help beat global warming - James Kirkup 

NUCLEAR power must be part of attempts to address global warming, according to a government-sponsored study of climate change. In an apocalyptic assessment endorsed by Tony Blair, an international group of scientists warned in the study published yesterday that increasing temperatures caused by the greenhouse effect pose a pressing threat to humanity.... Governments should use a variety of means to cut emissions in "wedges", including increasing energy efficiency, nuclear energy, low-emission transport fuels and fossil-fuel power plants with carbon-capture technology, they said.

Other Alternative Energy Updates

Polysilicon used for solar cells is in short supply

HONOLULU - In a state where tropical sunshine is near constant and electricity costs twice the national average, solar power seems an easy answer.  But with the panels that produce the electricity already popular abroad and a batch of new domestic tax credits just kicking in, solar suppliers locally and around the globe are scrambling for stock. ... The problem is that while demand for solar panels is increasing, the ability to meet that demand hasn’t caught up, said Reed, president of the Hawaii Solar Energy Association.
The material used is known as polysilicon, a form of silicon refined to form crystals that are then sliced into wafers used to form the silicon cells for solar panels or the microchips in computers and cell phones. In 2006 the solar industry is on track to use more of the silicon, known as polysilicon, than the entire semiconductor industry, Resch said.  “We’ve grown to such a point that there is no available polysilicon feedstock to continue to put into the solar industry so that we can grow at that rate,” he said. ... Contract prices are coming in at $70 per kilogram, up from $30 per kilogram just two years ago, she said.

Bio-diesel car rental opens in world's car capital

LOS ANGELES - A company offering rental cars powered entirely by bio-diesel set up shop in Los Angeles on Tuesday, hoping to bring the aroma of popcorn and doughnuts to the city's smoggy freeways.
Just one snag -- there is only one place in town to fill up. Bio-Beetle Eco Rental Cars, which started out on the Hawaiian island of Maui three years ago, opened for business near Los Angeles International Airport with four cars fueled by filtered vegetable oil.. ... Bio-diesel costs $3.45 a gallon -- about $1 more than regular gas -- but the cars get between 400 and 800 miles per tank. There is only one place where customers can fill up but Stenshol said he hoped to help set up other refueling stations in the Los Angeles metro area.

Milestones and Trends in Renewable Energy -- 2005 and 2006
Reflecting on major milestones in clean energy technology advancement in 2005, with a look forward to probable developments in 2006.

What Lies Beneath the Void
Professor Chris Binns (Physics and Astronomy) on his exciting project connected to the 'zero-point energy' of space. Three thousand years ago the Greek philosophers Leucippus and his student Demokritos proposed the concept of the atom, as a fundamental building block of materials, in order to circumvent a paradox that arises with continuous elements (such as earth fire air and water). They pointed out that if matter was really a continuum then you could cut it into smaller and smaller pieces ad infinitum and, in principle, cut it out of existence into pieces of nothing that could not then be reassembled. Thus, they reasoned, there must be a smallest piece of matter that could not be further divided the a-tomon (uncuttable) from which the word atom is derived. 

Magnetic Power Inc. is Nearing Pre-Production Stage with Zero Point Energy Modules
Modules built with off-the-shelf components are expected to generate electricity anywhere, any time, for less than 1 cent per kilowatt-hour.  One kW modules expected for market early next year.


     NY team confirms UCLA tabletop fusion Science Blog

"Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a tabletop accelerator that produces nuclear fusion at room temperature, providing confirmation of an earlier experiment conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), while offering substantial improvements over the original design.
The device, which uses two opposing crystals to generate a powerful electric field, could potentially lead to a portable, battery-operated neutron generator for a variety of applications, from non-destructive testing to detecting explosives and scanning luggage at airports. The new results are described in the Feb. 10 issue of Physical Review Letters.  ...
The device is essentially a tabletop particle accelerator. At its heart are two opposing "pyroelectric" crystals that create a strong electric field when heated or cooled. The device is filled with deuterium gas -- a more massive cousin of hydrogen with an extra neutron in its nucleus. The electric field rips electrons from the gas, creating deuterium ions and accelerating them into a deuterium target on one of the crystals. "

An internal view of the vacuum chamber containing the fusion device
showing two pyroelectric crystals that generate a powerful electric field when heated or cooled. 

Credit: Rensselaer/Danon
     Double crystal fusion' could pave the way for portable device

"Our study shows that 'crystal fusion' is a mature technology with considerable commercial potential," says Yaron Danon, associate professor of mechanical, aerospace, and nuclear engineering at Rensselaer. "This new device is simpler and less expensive than the previous version, and it has the potential to produce even more neutrons." 

A research team led by Seth Putterman, professor of physics at UCLA, reported on a similar apparatus in 2005, but two important features distinguish the new device: "Our device uses two crystals instead of one, which doubles the acceleration potential," says Jeffrey Geuther, a graduate student in nuclear engineering at Rensselaer and lead author of the paper. "And our setup does not require cooling the crystals to cryogenic temperatures -- an important step that reduces both the complexity and the cost of the equipment." 
The new study also verified the fundamental physics behind the original experiment. This suggests that pyroelectric crystals are in fact a viable means of producing nuclear fusion, and that commercial applications may be closer than originally thought, according to Danon. 

The concept could also lead to a portable x-ray generator, according to Danon. "There is already a commercial portable pyroelectric x-ray product available, but it does not produce enough energy to provide the 50,000 electron volts needed for medical imaging," he says. "Our device is capable of producing about 200,000 electron volts, which could meet these requirements and could also be enough to penetrate several millimeters of steel." 

In the more distant future, Danon envisions a number of other medical applications of pyroelectric crystals, including a wearable device that could provide safe, continuous cancer treatment. 


Nanotubes break superconducting record  - 14 February 2006

"Physicists in Japan have shown that "entirely end-bonded" multi-walled carbon nanotubes can superconduct at temperatures as high as 12 K, which is 30 times greater than for single-walled carbon nanotubes.  .... However, 1D conductors like carbon nanotubes -- rolled up sheets of graphite just nanometres in diameter -- are not naturally superconducting. One reason for this is the presence of so-called Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) states in the material, which cause the electrons to repulse each other and so destroy Cooper pairs. 
Now, however, Haruyama and colleagues have designed a system in which there is a superconducting phase that can compete with the TLL phase and even overcome it -- a feat hitherto believed impossible. The system consists of an array of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, each of which consists of a series of concentric nanotube shells. Electrical contacts made of metal are bonded to the tubes so they touch the top of all the shells. Conventional "bulk junction" contacts, in contrast, touch only the outermost shell of a tube and along its length.
Haruyama and co-workers grew their multiwalled nanotubes from a template of porous alumina. Next, they cut the tops off the nanotubes using ultrasound or etching techniques and then evaporated a gold electrode onto the exposed ends of the tubes. In this way, nearly all of the nanotube shells were made electrically active."

American Nuclear Society Meeting on Cold Fusion (11/17/05)

“Nuclear Reaction Pathways Resulting From Phonon Interactions,” Peter Hagelstein (MIT)

“Evidence for Intense Soft X-Ray Emission From a Hydride Target Undergoing Intense Deuteron Bombardment,” George Miley (Univ. of Illinois)

“Dual Ohmic Controls Improve Understanding of ‘Heat After Death,’” Mitchell Swartz, Gayle Verner (JET Energy)

“Bose-Einstein Fusion Mechanism for Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction and Transmutation Processes in Micro- and Nano-Scale High-Density Deuteron Plasmas,” Yeong Kim (Purdue Univ.)

“Coherent Zener Breakdown and Tunneling in Finite Lattices: Why Nano-Scale PdD Crystals Can Turn-On Faster,” Scott Chubb

“Three Types of DD Fusion,” Talbot Chubb (Naval Research Laboratory)

“Low Energy Nuclear Reactions,” David Nagel (George Washington Univ.)

JET Energy

Introduction to Cold Fusion

(Introduction including Engineering and the Optimal Operating Point

Cold Fusion Science - More Engineering and material science 

Public Open-House Cold Fusion Demonstration at MIT and ICCF10

More information about CF Devices


PowerPedia:Cold fusion 

 D2Fusion, Inc.

 ESSAY: Cold Fusion Is Really Solid-State Fusion  Russ George

Haiko Lietz's Site:

Bubble Fusion takes next hurdle

The world needs an Apollo-type program for cold fusion


 Blacklight Chemical Technologies

"The lower-energy atomic hydrogen product of the BlackLight Process reacts with an electron to form a hydride ion, which further reacts with elements other than hydrogen to form novel proprietary compounds called hydrino hydride compounds (HHCs). BlackLight is developing the vast class of proprietary chemical compounds formed via the BlackLight Process. Test results indicate that the properties of HHCs are rich in diversity due to their extraordinary binding energy (i.e., the energy required to remove an electron which determines the chemical reactivity and properties).  Hydrino   hydride ions have the potential to be as useful as carbon as a base “element.”  Carbon is a base element for many useful compounds ranging from diamonds, to synthetic fibers, to liquid gasoline, to pharmaceuticals. The novel compositions of matter and associated technologies could have far-reaching applications in many industries including the chemical, lighting, computer, energetic materials, battery, propellant, surface coatings, electronics, telecommunications, aerospace, and automotive industries." 

Role of atomic hydrogen density and energy in low power chemical vapor deposition synthesis of diamond films

Highly stable novel inorganic hydrides from aqueous electrolysis and plasma electrolysis

Key Publications and Recent Papers

Thermonuclear Squeeze:
Altered method extends bubble-fusion claim       Peter Weiss
A technique that some scientists claim generates thermonuclear fusion in a benchtop apparatus works even without its controversial neutron trigger. So say the researchers who, since 2002, have reported that nuclear-fusion reactions can occur in a vat of chilled solvent agitated by ultrasound. 
Fusion reactions take place in the vat because clusters of bubbles form and then violently collapse, explains nuclear engineer and team leader Rusi P. Taleyarkhan of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. A neutron or another energetic particle triggers a bubble to form in a low-pressure trough of the ultrasound waves, he says. Then, high pressure from the wave crushes the orb to an enormous density and temperature that fuse some atomic nuclei of the bubble's gas. 
Lawrence A. Crum of the University of Washington in Seattle says that the new work "increases the credibility" of bubble fusion. But "unless it's reproduced in someone else's lab, I'm not going to believe it," he adds. 

Shapiro, D., and M. Saltmarsh. 2002. Nuclear fusion in collapsing bubbles—is it there? An attempt to repeat the observation of nuclear emissions from sonoluminescence. Physical Review Letters 89(Sept. 2):104302
Taleyarkhan, R.P., et al. 2004. Additional evidence of nuclear emissions during acoustic cavitation. Physical Review E 69():036109
Taleyarkhan, R.P., et al. 2002. Evidence for nuclear emissions during acoustic cavitation. Science 295(March 8):1868-1873
Xu, Y., and A. Butt. 2005. Confirmatory experiments for nuclear emissions during acoustic cavitation. Nuclear Engineering and Design 235:1317-1324.

Sonofusion Experiment Produces Results Without External Neutron Source

  A team of researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, and the Russian Academy of Sciences has used sound waves to induce nuclear fusion without the need for an external neutron source, according to a paper in the Jan. 27 issue of Physical Review Letters.
By bombarding a special mixture of acetone and benzene with oscillating sound waves, the researchers caused bubbles in the mixture to expand and then violently collapse. This technique, which has been dubbed “sonofusion,” produces a shock wave that has the potential to fuse nuclei together, according to the team.

In the new setup, the researchers dissolved natural uranium in the solution, which produces bubbles through radioactive decay. ... The experiment was specifically designed to address a fundamental research question, not to make a device that would be capable of producing energy, Block says. At this stage the new device uses much more energy than it releases, but it could prove to be an inexpensive and portable source of neutrons for sensing and imaging applications.
To verify the presence of fusion, the researchers used three independent neutron detectors and one gamma ray detector. All four detectors produced the same results: a statistically significant increase in the amount of nuclear emissions due to sonofusion when compared to background levels.
The latest experiment was conducted at Purdue University. At Rensselaer and in Russia, Lahey and Robert I. Nigmatulin performed the theoretical analysis of the bubble dynamics and predicted the shock-induced pressures, temperatures, and densities in the imploding bubbles. Block helped to design, set up, and calibrate a state-of-the-art neutron and gamma ray detection system for the new experiments.

July 2005 issue (Volume 12, number 2) COLD FUSION TIMES

   New Issue:  Volume 12   Number 2 (click for larger image)

July 2005 issue (Volume 12, number 2) of the COLD FUSION TIMES

July 2005 issue (Volume 12, number 2) of the COLD FUSION TIMES

2005 MIT Cold Fusion Colloquium with Tribute to Dr. Eugene Mallove


Cavitation/Ferroelectic Fusion 
D-D Fusion in Ferroelectrics 


DOE 2nd Review

2nd DOE Review Analyzed   Summary of DOE 
DOE Report on “Cold Fusion” Recommends More Research

Update on Murder of Dr. Mallove

Murder Suspects Identified 
Suspect In Mallove Murder Has Probable Cause Hearing 

The 12th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science 
               Yokohama, Japan 

Excellent Review by Dr. Scott Chubb in this month's Infinite Energy

Download the INFINITE ENERGY  FREE selection of IE articles (.pdf)



"Cold fusioneers' science is 'not bad'.
The pathologic skeptics just describe it that way."


Scientists moot gravity-busting hyperdrive Mars in three hours - theoretically  -  Lester Haines
The US military is considering testing the principle behind a type of space drive which holds the promise of reaching Mars in just three hours. ...The basic concept is this: according to the paper's authors - Jochem Häuser, a physicist and professor of computer science at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzgitter and Walter Dröscher, a retired Austrian patent officer - if you put a huge rotating ring above a superconducting coil and pump enough current through the coil, the resulting large magnetic field will "reduce the gravitational pull on the ring to the point where it floats free". 
The origins of this "repulsive anti-gravity force" and the hyperdrive it might power lie in the work of German scientist Burkhard Heim, who - as part of his attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics and Einstein's general theory of relativity - formulated a theoretical six-dimensioned universe by bolting on two new sub-dimensions to Einstein's generally-accepted four (three space, one time). 

Heim, then, proposed that "a rotating magnetic field could reduce the influence of gravity on a spacecraft enough for it to take off" - an idea which caught the eye of Wernher von Braun when it was first proposed in 1959 and the rocket scientist was working on the US's Saturn launch vehicle. 
 Dröscher expanded on Heim's work, in the process reactivating two further dimensions the latter had originally discarded. Thus "Heim-Dröscher space" was born - an eight-dimensional concept of which Dröscher says: "If Heim's picture is to make sense, we are forced to postulate two more fundamental forces." 

The said extra forces are: "A repulsive anti-gravity similar to the dark energy that appears to be causing the universe's expansion to accelerate"; and a second resulting from the "interaction of Heim's fifth and sixth dimensions and the extra dimensions that Dröscher introduced". Crucially, it "produces pairs of 'gravitophotons' - particles that mediate the interconversion of electromagnetic and gravitational energy". 
Furthermore, Dröscher and Häuser's proposed practical experiment to prove their theory requires "a magnetic coil several metres in diameter capable of sustaining an enormous current density" - something which the majority of engineers say is "not feasible with existing materials and technology"."


On July 26, 2005 at 11:00am, detectives from the Norwich Police Department arrested Joseph P. Reilly for the murder of Dr. Eugene F. Mallove on May 14th, 2004.  The arrest is the second by the Norwich Police Department. 

Like the putative perp, previously arrested, McAvoy [see COLD FUSION TIMES v 12, number 2], Reilly was developed as a suspect early in the investigation   Recent evidence was developed by detectives leading to the arrest. 

The investigation remains open.  The Norwich Police Department encourages anyone with information pertaining to this incident to contact Norwich Police Detectives at 892-2889 or the anonymous tip-line at 886-5561, extension 500. 

The 2005 MIT Cold Fusion Colloquium, Honoring Eugene Mallove

Scott Chubb

The event, held on May 21, 2005, and the location were especially appropriate. The event was timely because although Eugene Mallove was tragically murdered slightly more than a year ago, many people who have been involved with cold fusion research have not had the opportunity to publicly acknowledge and mourn their deeply-felt sense of loss. Scientific talks related to cold fusion, the associated controversy, and related science were scheduled in the Physics Department, Room 6-120, at MIT, between 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Following the scientific talks, additional informal discussions and presentations took place, including a screening of a movie about cold fusion, "Breaking Symmetry," produced and written by former MIT professor, Dr. Keith Johnson, which evolved as a direct consequence of a misrepresentation of the relevant science, including a fraudulent negative excess heat measurement, that took place at the MIT Plasma Fusion Center, immediately after the initial cold fusion announcements in 1989. 
Inmate charged in Mallove slaying - Norwich Bulletin
Thursday, June 2, 2005 - NORWICH — A man serving five years for larceny has been charged with felony murder in the death of Dr. Eugene Mallove, whose body was discovered at his parent’s home May 14, 2004. Gary McAvoy, 43, who is incarcerated at MacDougall-Walker Correctional Institution in Suffield, was arrested by detectives of the Norwich Police Department at 9:20 a.m. Wednesday.

AP Connecticut - Norwich police make arrest in year-old killing

June 2, 2005 - SUFFIELD, Conn. -- A man serving a five-year prison sentence for larceny has been charged with felony murder in connection with the year-old killing of a science writer from New Hampshire, police said.  Gary McAvoy, 43, was arrested Wednesday morning at MacDougall-Walker Correctional Institution in Suffield, where he is serving his sentence. He is accused of killing Eugene Mallove, 56, of Pembroke, N.H., during an apparent robbery at a Norwich home rented by Mallove's family. Mallove was beaten and died on May 14, 2004. He was found on the lawn of the home with head and neck injuries. His minivan was found in an employee parking lot at Foxwoods Casino Resort near Ledyard.

Last month, Norwich police asked for help solving the case from noted forensic expert Henry Lee, a former state public safety commissioner who has worked on cases involving O.J. Simpson, Jon Benet Ramsey and William Kennedy Smith. Neighbors said they're glad police made an arrest. "Everyone will be relieved now, especially his wife and family," Barbara Ayala, whose mother lives nearby, told WVIT-TV.

 Arrest made in Mallove slaying  - Greg Smith  - Norwich Bulletin
June 3, 2005 - NORWICH-- Norwich police have charged a former city man in a year-old murder case that has haunted the family of a widely respected New Hampshire scientist.  Gary McAvoy, 43, who is already serving a five-year prison term, was arraigned Wednesday on the charge of felony murder in the May 14, 2004, slaying of Eugene Mallove.

Investigators don't believe McAvoy acted alone in the crime, based on evidence and investigation in the case, Norwich Detective Lt. Timothy Menard said. Further arrests are expected. McAvoy's former address is listed as 313 Main St. in Norwich, the site of a halfway house operated by the Southeastern Connecticut Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, town records show. He is being held on a $1 million bond in the case. Court records were sealed at the request of police Wednesday during McAvoy's appearance in Norwich Superior Court.

McAvoy has a long list of prior arrests stemming from at least 1999, when court records show he was arrested on charges of first-degree burglary, threatening, disorderly conduct, criminal mischief, violation of a protective order third-degree assault, and drunken driving. He was sentenced to at least one year in prison. In May and July 2004, he faced larceny and burglary charges in New Britain. He was arrested again in August 2004 in Waterford on three counts of third-degree larceny and two counts of third-degree burglary. Groton City police arrested  McAvoy in September 2004 on larceny, criminal mischief and criminal trespassing charges. In December 2004, he was sentenced to a total of five years based on several cases. He is not scheduled to be released until 2009.

At the time of his death, Mallove had been working at his former Norwich home, which is now a rental property.McAvoy was an early suspect in the case, Menard said, but only recently was there enough evidence to justify an arrest warrant. 
"I would never have given up hope," Ethan Mallove said. "Closure is still a long ways away. This morning's news was an introductory phase."

Part I:  2005 MIT Cold Fusion Colloquium
Cold Fusion Science and Technology
with Special Tribute to Dr. Eugene Mallove at MIT on May 21, 2005
Experimental Reports of Cold Fusion Systems
         David Nagel - Evidence That Cold Fusion Involves Nuclear Reactions
        Russ George - Acoustic-induced Cold Fusion Experiments
        John Dash - Characterization of Titanium Cathodes after Electrolysis in Heavy Water
        Peter Hagelstein - Interactions of Phonons and Lattice Nuclei in Cold Fusion
        Mitchell Swartz - Possible Parameter to Describe Optimal Operating Point Width

Theoretical Strides in Understanding of Cold Fusion Systems
        Yeong Kim  - Micro/Nano High-Density Plasmas and Cold Fusion/Acoustic-Induced Cold Fusion
        Talbot Chubb -  Bloch Nuclei and Phonon De-excitation
        Scott Chubb - Understanding Cold Fusion using Conventional Condensed matter Physics
        Robert Bass - Do Current Concepts Resolve the Chief Challenge to Cold Fusion Theory?
        Keith Johnson - Anomalous Superconducting Properties of the PdHx/PdDx System 

Part I:  2005 MIT Cold Fusion Colloquium
Pictures of 2005 MIT Colloquium (click here)

Intellectual Property, Patent Office Accountability
        Robert Rines - The Patent Office in Cold Fusion

Experimental Strides in New Alternative Clean Energy Systems
        Ken Shoulders - Charge Clusters and the Hutchinson Effect
        Peter Graneau - Alternative Energy using Latent Energy of Water
        Brian Ahern - Catalyzed Combustion for High Efficiency and Reduced Emissions 

Scientists put the Sun in our pockets (nuclear fusion using crystals)
UK Telegraph  - Apr. 28, 2005 - Roger Highfield
"A pocket-sized device which can harness fusion, the energy source of the Sun, with the help of crystals no bigger than a sugar cube has been developed by scientists.  The "pocket fusion" device, described today in the journal Nature, raises new possibilities in fields as diverse as space propulsion, medical diagnostics, cancer treatment and the hunt for concealed weapons. Now Brian Naranjo, Jim Gimzewski, a professor from Glasgow, and Prof Seth Putterman of the University of California, Los Angeles describe a breathtakingly simple way to fuse atoms with the help of a crystal. They fused atoms of deuterium - heavy hydrogen - using a pyroelectric crystal to generate a beam of charged particles - deuterium ions - to bombard a deuterium target. "We are getting about 1,000 neutrons a second," said Mr Naranjo. "The amazing thing is that we are heating a crystal to 25C and getting this very large fusion signal with no external power supplies."
UCLA Researchers Produce Nuclear Fusion
Associated Press  April 27, 2005  - Alicia Chang
"LOS ANGELES -  Fusion power has been touted as the ultimate energy source and a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels like coal and oil. Fossil fuels are expected to run short in about 50 years.  In fusion, light atoms are joined in a high-temperature process that frees large amounts of energy.  In the UCLA experiment, scientists placed a tiny crystal that can generate a strong electric field into a vacuum chamber filled with deuterium gas, a form of hydrogen capable of fusion. Then the researchers activated the crystal by heating it.  The reaction gave off an isotope of helium along with subatomic particles known as neutrons, a characteristic of fusion."
Fusion seen in table-top experiment
 Physics Web 27 April 2005
Physicists in the US have generated nuclear fusion in a simple, table-top device operating at room temperature. The device, built by Brian Naranjo, Jim Gimzewski and Seth Putterman at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), causes two deuterium nuclei to collide with each other and generate alpha particles, neutrons and energy (Nature 434 1115). The device could have applications as a portable neutron generator or in the propulsion systems for miniature spacecraft, but will not be useful as an energy source because it consumes more energy than it produces.
Nuclear storm in a teacup created  - New Scientist
"The key to the experiment is a lithium tantalate crystal. The crystal's internal structure is asymmetric and it is electrically polarised. When the crystal is heated its polarisation is altered dramatically, setting up a stronger electric field." 

Table Top Fusion Device   NY Times April 28, 2005 - Kenneth Chang

"In a surprising feat of miniaturization, scientists are reporting today that they have produced nuclear fusion - the same process that powers the sun - in a footlong cylinder just five inches in diameter. ... Dr. Michael J. Saltmarsh, a retired scientist who worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, said the energy of the particles emitted by the collisions convincingly matched what was expected for fusion.  ... The central component of the device is a crystal of lithium tantalate, which belongs to a class of materials known as pyroelectrics. Pyroelectrics, which generate strong electric fields when heated or cooled, have long been known, possibly described as far back as 314 B.C. by a student of Aristotle.  In the experiment, the crystal, a cylinder about an inch and a quarter in diameter and a half-inch in length, was mounted inside the footlong cylinder and surrounded by a gas of deuterium, a heavy version of hydrogen. Warming the crystal about 50 degrees Fahrenheit produced a charge of 1,000 volts. That created electric fields around a tungsten tip that were so strong that they ripped electrons off the deuterium and accelerated the charged deuterium ions into a target that also contained deuterium."
Catalitically Induced D-D Fusion in Ferroelectrics 
V.D. Dougar Jabon, G.V. Fedorovich and N.V. Samsonenko Brazilian Journal of Physics vol.27 n.4 Dec. 1997
A model of deuteron acceleration in ferroelectrical crystals under the process of domain polarization reversal is proposed. Experimental verfication of the model with LiTaO3 crystals saturated with deuterium was fulfilled. It was shown that in the 75 kV/cm a.c. field the neutron emission attributed to D-D fusion is two order magnitude higher the Jones level.
Sonofusion The Star in a Jar
JET Energy

Introduction to Cold Fusion

(Introduction including Engineering and the Optimal Operating Point

Cold Fusion Science - More Engineering and material science 

Public Open-House Cold Fusion Demonstration at MIT and ICCF10

More information about CF Devices

JET Energy

The World's Smallest Motor
Live Science  12 April 2005 -Bjorn Carey & Robert Roy Britt
"....  the tiniest electric motor ever built. You could stuff hundreds of them into the period at the end of this sentence. 
The motor works by shuffling atoms between two molten metal droplets in a carbon nanotube 
Latest on Lattice-Assisted Cold fusion 
[Classical cold fusion, similar to that announced on March 23, 1989]
Warning: The Hydrogen Economy May Be More Distant Than It Appears  -  Michael Behar
Popular Science 3/2005
In presidential campaign of 2004, Bush and Kerry managed to find one piece of common ground: Both spoke glowingly of a future powered by fuel cells. Hydrogen would free us from our dependence on fossil fuels and would dramatically curb emissions of air pollutants, including carbon dioxide, the gas chiefly blamed for global warming. The entire worldwide energy market would evolve into a “hydrogen economy” based on clean, abundant power. Auto manufacturers and environmentalists alike happily rode the bandwagon, pointing to hydrogen as the next big thing in U.S. energy policy. Yet the truth is that we aren’t much closer to a commercially viable hydrogen-powered car than we are to cold fusion or a cure for cancer.

True, hydrogen is the most common element in the universe; it’s so plentiful that the sun consumes 600 million tons of it every second. But unlike oil, vast reservoirs of hydrogen don’t exist here on Earth. Instead, hydrogen atoms are bound up in molecules with other elements, and we must expend energy to extract the hydrogen so it can be used in fuel cells. We’ll never get more energy out of hydrogen than we put into it. “Hydrogen is a currency, not a primary energy source,” explains Geoffrey Ballard, the father of the modern-day fuel cell and co-founder of Ballard Power Systems, the world’s leading fuel-cell developer. “It’s a means of getting energy from where you created it to where you need it.”

Unlike internal combustion engines, hydrogen fuel cells do not emit carbon dioxide. But extracting hydrogen from natural gas, today’s primary source, does. And wresting hydrogen from water through electrolysis takes tremendous amounts of energy. If that energy comes from power plants burning fossil fuels, the end product may be clean hydrogen, but the process used to obtain it is still dirty. .... The result: even more C02. In fact, driving a fuel cell car with hydrogen extracted from natural gas or water could produce a net increase of CO2 in the atmosphere.  ... In the short term, nuclear power may be the easiest way to produce hydrogen without pumping more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Electricity from a nuclear plant would electrolyze water—splitting H2O into hydrogen and oxygen. Ballard champions the idea, calling nuclear power “extremely important, unless we see some other major breakthrough that none of us has envisioned.”

In Japan, their Emperor has given an award for the study of cold fusion. 
The result in Japan: Science and engineering thrive.
By contrast, in America, the (hot fusion) physics community and its conspirators at the US Patent Office continue to systematically obstruct Yankee ingenuity, Congressional mandate, and US Constitutional safeguards, in the very country were cold fusion was first announced in March 1989 (on the day that the Exxon Valdez crashed in Alaska).        [Want more information on this? click here ]
The Suppression of Inconvenient Facts in Physics - -
The Cold Fusion Scandal Rochus Börner, Ph.D
"Such misrepresentation and falsification of evidence happened after Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischman[5] announced in March 1989 that they had achieved fusion by electrochemical means. Several influential US laboratories (Caltech[6], MIT[7], Yale/Brookhaven[8]) reported negative results on Cold Fusion that were based on shoddy experimental work and a misunderstanding of the Pons-Fleischmann claims[9]. They gave a hostile hot fusion establishment the excuse it needed to conclude that the claims made by Pons and Fleischmann were bogus. In November 1989, a DOE panel concluded the same after a shallow mock investigation of only seven months.[10]   Eugene F. Mallove, who was the Chief Science Writer at the MIT News Office at the time and now publishes Infinite Energy, a journal dedicated to covering potential new energy sources ignored by mainstream science, played a part in exposing the MIT report as mistaken, possibly fraudulent[11], and resigned in protest over it in 1991.  ...   It is ironic that each of these negative results were themselves the product of the kind of low quality work of which Fleischmann and Pons were accused. The difference was that the reports said what the hot fusion community wanted to hear. This was the legacy of the 1989 ERAB report, but that legacy must now be reversed-and it will be, however long that takes. 

Most people, including physicists continue to be unaware that low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) are real, and have been verified in hundreds of experiments throughout the 1990s. 
In February 2002, the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center of the United State Navy in San Diego released a 310 page report titled Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System [13] that discusses the overwhelming experimental evidence that the cold fusion effect indeed exists. Dr. Frank E. Gordon, the head of the center's Navigation and Applied Sciences Department, writes in the foreword: 

.That "cold fusion" continues to be ignored by the scientific establishment, and, to add insult to injury, is being used synonymously with "bad science", usually in such expressions as "the cold fusion debacle", constitutes one of the greatest scientific scandals in human history, and a human tragedy. While wars over oil are being fought, a potential source of energy that could solve humanity's energy problems for all eternity is being ignored by all but a small community of researchers. At the same time, the dead-end "hot fusion" program continues to receive billions of dollars in public funds. If there is a scandal associated with cold fusion, this is it."

JET Energy, Inc.

JET Energy.

(Introduction including Cold Fusion Engineering, including the Optimal Operating Point) 

    JET Energy - Introduction to Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion Science - More Engineering and material science 

JET  Energy Products -  Public Open-House Cold Fusion Demonstration at MIT and ICCF10

More information about JET Energy.

Latest on Sonofusion
Collapsing bubbles have hot plasma core  - Mark Peplow
Nature: 2 March 2005

Ken Suslick and David Flannigan, chemists from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, say they have recorded the most intense flashes of light ever seen from these bubbles, visible to the naked eye, which has allowed them to probe what happens inside.  "Nobody has been able to measure the temperature inside a single collapsing bubble before," says Suslick. The bubbles reached more than 15,000°C he says, which is four times hotter than the surface of the Sun.

Brutal Bubbles: Collapsing orbs rip apart atoms - Peter Weiss 
Science News March 5, 2005; Vol. 167, No. 10 , p. 147
Fill a flask with liquid, rattle it with ultrasonic waves, and hellish microcosms can form within the fluid. Tiny gas bubbles swell and then implode with a fury now revealed to be extreme enough to strip electrons from atoms trapped in the collapse.  The Illinois chemists who have detected that atomic destruction for the first time have also directly measured temperatures of the imploding bubbles. Some of these register at least 15,000 kelvins, a temperature about three times as hot as the Sun's surface. 

    Shrimps spew bubbles as hot as the sun - Peter Weiss
Pinkie-size marine crustaceans whose snappy noisemaking has already captivated scientists also stage some flashy pyrotechnics, researchers now find. While earlier experiments had shown that so-called snapping shrimp generate imploding air bubbles that make loud popping sounds (SN: 9/23/00, p. 199), a new study reveals that those collapsing bubbles emit flashes of light and may flare as hot as the sun's surface. 

Star in a Jar? Hints of nuclear fusion found—maybe  - Peter Weiss
A group of scientists claims to have found evidence of nuclear fusion in a vase-size flask of liquid. The researchers say they created tiny bubbles that seemed to have collapsed with enough violence to force atomic nuclei to fuse. 

Plasma formation and temperature measurement during single-bubble cavitation - Flannigan, Suslick 
Nature 434, 52 - 55 (03 March 2005)
Single-bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL) results from the extreme temperatures and pressures achieved during bubble compression; calculations have predicted the existence of a hot, optically opaque plasma core with consequent bremsstrahlung radiation. Recent controversial reports claim the observation of neutrons from deuterium–deuterium fusion during acoustic cavitation. However, there has been previously no strong experimental evidence for the existence of a plasma during single- or multi-bubble sonoluminescence. SBSL typically produces featureless emission spectra that reveal little about the intra-cavity physical conditions or chemical processes. Here we report observations of atomic (Ar) emission and extensive molecular (SO) and ionic (O2+) progressions in SBSL spectra from concentrated aqueous H2SO4 solutions. Both the Ar and SO emission permit spectroscopic temperature determinations, as accomplished for multi-bubble sonoluminescence with other emitters. The emissive excited states observed from both Ar and O2+ are inconsistent with any thermal process. The Ar excited states involved are extremely high in energy (>13 eV) and cannot be thermally populated at the measured Ar emission temperatures (4,000–15,000 K); the ionization energy of O2 is more than twice its bond dissociation energy, so O2+ likewise cannot be thermally produced. We therefore conclude that these emitting species must originate from collisions with high-energy electrons, ions or particles from a hot plasma core. 
Temperature inside collapsing bubble four times that of  3 March 05
Using a technique employed by astronomers to determine stellar surface temperatures, chemists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have measured the temperature inside a single, acoustically driven collapsing bubble. 
 "When bubbles in a liquid get compressed, the insides get hot -- very hot," said Ken Suslick, the Marvin T. Schmidt Professor of Chemistry at Illinois and a researcher at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. "The temperature we measured -- about 20,000 degrees Kelvin -- is four times hotter than the surface of our sun."  By substituting concentrated sulfuric acid for the water used in previous measurements, Suslick and Flannigan boosted the brilliance of the spectra nearly 3,000 times. The bubble can be seen glowing even in a brightly lit room. This allowed the researchers to measure the otherwise faint emission from a single bubble. 

Want more information on sonofusion?  Click here
Cold Fusion Times References (UPDATED)

Cold Fusion Times Cold Fusion Links

Dr. Eugene Mallove:
 "Ninth International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF9) Meets in Beijing, China"

Some ICCF-9 Papers

Some ICCF-10 Papers


COLD FUSION TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE UPDATES for 2005 - Latest information Available

Cold Fusion Times - Issue 12-1 January 2005

COLD FUSION TIMES Vol 12, Number 1 Winter  2005 Issue 
(click page to see an enlargement of page 1, and more information)
Many more Theoretical and Experimental Reports - Breakthroughs and News YOU WILL USE
Material Science and Nuclear Physics involving Palladium, Nickel, Titanium, and More
Cold Fusion Engineering and Up-to-date R&D, Advanced Cold Fusion Systems, Other Technical Reports

Beyond the horizon of humdrum - Jug Suraiya, Vikas Singh 

 Fuel Free-for-all

INDIA - "Imagine .having your own private sun supply all the bijli you'll ever need. That's the promise of cold fusion — giving humankind an inexhaustible, limitless source of virtually free, non-polluting energy. It would revolutionise the way we live. No more soaring oil prices. No pollution. No petro-funded terrorism. The problem is that cold fusion has largely been dismissed as a chimera — a golden goose that can never be. 
Cold fusion — harnessing nuclear energy without recourse to the humungous temperatures that conventional fusion entails — has long been the holy grail of fringe science. Experimenters from Baltimore to Bangalore have claimed success. (The lad from Karnataka said he'd achieved cold fusion in his bathtub). All such claims have been disproved. But many — like us — believe cold fusion is indeed possible. And will be made to happen, sooner rather than later. So why not in 2005?" 

UNDERNEWS - Progressive Review-  Sam Smith
"AT THE MARCH MEETING of the American Physical Society there will be 14 papers delivered in a session on cold fusion. This isn't the first time there has been such a session, and cold fusion has also been considered a respectable subject at the American Chemical Society. Reports cold fusion advocate Ed Wall, "They have been presenting at APS for a number of years, as well as the American Chemical Society. They generally do not generate much of a turnout, but because the scientists doing the CF research are in good standing in such organizations, and the methods employed are standard stuff and quality of the work they do appears to be good, they were able to argue (Scott Chubb, most persuasively) that they should be allowed to present their work." 
There is one place, however, where cold fusion is not permitted to be discussed or debated: the American press. Says Wall: "Once CF started getting treated as a serious science, not just by a strong-willed minority of appropriately credentialed scientists, but by scientific and engineering establishments around the world (Japan), it appeared as more than bizarre that it was still considered heresy in the US." 
"In his talk [Dr. Brian Josephson] quoted Charles D. Beaudette as offering the following characteristics of scientific skeptics: 
1. They do not express their criticisms in those venues where it will be subject to peer review. 
2. They do not go into the laboratory and practise the experiment along with the practitioner. ... 
6. Evidence is rejected outright if it does not answer every possible question at the outset. 
The problem with the media is even greater since it goes to the established scientific profession rather than the ground-breakers for confirmation."
For slain man's family, no arrests mean no closure 
8 months after his death, no leads in Mallove case 

Concord Monitor - AnnMarie Timmins

 "Soon after Eugene Mallove of Pembroke was found murdered in Connecticut, outside his childhood home, the local police said they had talked to a couple of suspects and expected to have fingerprint and DNA evidence within a month. That was eight months ago, and the police said last week that they are no closer to solving the case. Some of that DNA evidence - the best hope of tying someone to the scene - still hasn't come back from Connecticut's state lab. The police haven't recovered any of the items taken from Mallove, a watch, cell phone and credit cards, said Lt. Timothy Menard of the Norwich, Conn., police. And despite pleas to the public for help, no one has called." 

Anyone with information about Mallove's death is asked to call the Norwich Police Department at (860) 886-5561. The anonymous tip line can be reached at (860) 886-5561, ext. 500.
More on Dr. Mallove
Cold Fusion Gets Chilly Encore - Physics Today - Toni Feder 
"Claims of cold fusion are no more convincing today than they were 15 years ago. That's the conclusion of the Department of Energy's fresh look at advances in extracting energy from low-energy nuclear reactions. A report released on 1 December 2004 echoes DOE's 1989 study that followed the headline-making claims of cold fusion by Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann." 

[Editor of Cold Fusion Times:  This is not accurate.  First, not all 2004 cold fusion
data was reported to the DOE.  Second, eighteen  anonymous DOE reviewers “split approximately evenly” on whether or not there is excess power observed in the cold fusion phenomena.  That is a great change since the 1989 ERAB report.]

"Since Pons and Fleischmann's claims, cold fusion has fallen into disrepute among scientists, with only a few soldiering on under professional adversity. Most are funded by industry or various governments." 

[Editor of Cold Fusion Times:  This is not accurate.  First, more than 3000 scientific papers and hundreds of researchers have expanded the field enormously.  Second, in the USA most researchers are self-funded.  Only in Japan, do industries such as Toyota and Mitsubishi support cold fusion.]

"Just the fact of the review has heightened the level of discussion. There's been a huge upswing in interest in funding cold fusion research." Adds MIT theorist Peter Hagelstein, "A door has been opened by the reviewers..

More accurate information on the DOE Review

JAPAN - The Japanese Thermal and Electronic Energy Technology Foundation [Toyota], on 12/10/04 awarded scholarships and recognition to three Japanese scientists for their work in cold fusion. Dr. Yasuhiro Iwamura (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries), Prof. Hiroshi Yamada (Iwate University) and Dr. Tadahiko Mizuno (Hokkaido University) were each awarded research scholarships of 1 M Yen.

Dr. Yasuhiro Iwamura: Nuclear transmutation effects by deuterium permeation through multi-layered Pd complex. 
Prof. Hiroshi Yamada: Excess energy production and transmutation in PdDx with absorption and de-sorption by electric current
Dr. Tadahiko Mizuno: Hydrogen production from organic compound liquid by discharge electrolysis

JAPAN - Nikkei-Shinbun (Japanese Financial Times) Connotes Japanese cold fusion research as the third most important technological trend in 2004
December 27,  2004 - Cited: Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (MHI) cold fusion work in transmutation (under Dr. Yasuhiro Iwamura) using deuterium permeation through Pd complexes.  It is ranked #3 regarding  important R&D in 2004 in Japan. 

"This is a very innovative technology to make transmutation of elements with low cost, compared to existing methods as fission reactors and big accelerators."  - Nikkei-Shinbun

"Your Most Complete, Scientific, and Uncensored Cold Fusion Resource"


      [many downloadable immediately from the net] 
Selected from thousands of scientific and engineering papers on cold fusion and allied technologies.  They have all been ignored by the US Patent Office and those who foster only polluting internal combustion engines and the relatively unattainable hot fusion.

This is the COLD FUSION TIMES home page

"Your Most Complete, Uncensored, Cold Fusion Resource"

ICCF-11 Cold Fusion Report 
Jim Corey of Sandia National Lab (352 kb pdf) 
Drs. Brian Josephson and Martin Fleischmann at ICCF11 (after Corey) 

ICCF-11 Concluded - Marseilles-Luminy, FRANCE 
The 11th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
ICCF-11 Abstracts [ ~ 1 Megabytes (pdf)]

The Big Science Chill -Sonia Arrison

                       TechNewsWorld  01/07/05

"If we could figure out cold fusion, we'd have a clean, cheap energy source that would last for an incredibly long time. And that would mean less reliance on oil exporting countries, as well as a cleaner environment and a better standard of living.  So even if some experts say it's a long shot, isn't it worth working towards? Yet the U.S. Department of Energy continues to tiptoe around the issue, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office refuses to grant a patent on any invention claiming cold fusion. That's almost a categorical denial of any research money for this important field. ...  America needs a return to the days when renaissance men and women populated the field of scientific discovery. If the cold fusion issue is indicative of where scientific inquiry is today, creativity and thinking outside the bureaucratic box appear to be sorely needed. Our world depends on it."

  It is known worldwide that the US Patent and Trademark Office has refused -- without scientific or legal foundation -- to issue American cold fusion patents based upon the Office's flawed arguments, unscientific responses, and systematic use of double standards and actions with the appearance of impropriety, all void of accountability.  This has continued even as other countries have issued cold fusion patents.

JET  Energy, Inc.

Asymmetric Cathodic Electrolysis ( (c) courtesy of JET Thermal Products)

(c) Dr. M. Swartz, JET Energy, Inc. 
Asymmetric Electrolysis (above) 

  Asymmetric Electrolysis (Left) Heralds Deuteron Flow Within the Loaded Metal Lattice -  Asymmetric Electrolysis at a Spiral Wound Phusor Cathode distinguishes this cold fusion process from other, less reproducible and less efficient, cold fusion systems (such as those of McKubre/SRI/Storms systems, described in the DOE submission and DOE Review)

DOE "Review of 'Low Energy Nuclear Reactions'"(12/1/04)

  • 18 anonymous DOE reviewers “split approximately evenly” on whether or not there is excess power observed in the cold fusion phenomena. 
  • Two thirds of the DOE reviewers are not convinced that the source of the excess power is as McKubre/SRI/Hagelstein/LENR  purport. 
More information about the DOE review

DOE Questions "LENR-CANR" Investigators but Opens door to COLD FUSION

DOE "Report of the Review of 'Low Energy Nuclear Reactions'" (Dec. 1, 04)

DOE 2004 - 18 Reviewer's Detailed Comments

More information about the DOE reviewMore information about the DOE review

Unione Astrofili Italiani 
"Fusione Fredda, Riconsiderazioni"
  Reconsidering cold fusion
"For some time, cold fusion has been thought of as the ideal source for a safe, low-cost energy. But soon after the initial interest, it was put aside... perhaps a bit too early, we can say now. The USA Department of Energy has decided to reconsider its decisions concerning cold fusion research. In fact, during the last 15 years, research has continued, carried out by a few people in laboratories scattered all over the world, and with no funds. It now seems that cold fusion results are more reproducible. Let's hope they will be totally reproducible in the near future."

"Un apparato per un esperimento di fusione fredda."

   "Bubble-based fusion bursts onto the scene"
Nature, 432, 940-1, 23/30 Dec. 2004
WASHINGTON -A company in California is launching an experimental power reactor based on 'bubble fusion', despite reservations within the scientific community over whether the effect exists. Impulse Devices in Grass Valley hopes to sell its sonofusion research reactors for about US$250,000. It claims they use ultrasound to generate bubbles in 'heavy' water, made up of hydrogen's heavier isotope deuterium. The bubbles can be imploded rapidly, generating a high temperature that allows deuterium nuclei to undergo fusion reactions, it says. "The technology could produce enough energy for electricity production in ten years," claims Mark Ludwig, chief executive of Impulse. But many scientists are not convinced. Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee claimed to have achieved fusion with a similar technique in 2002. But an internal review by other Oak Ridge scientists questioned the group's results, and the work remains in limbo (see Nature 416, 7; 2002). 

More Bang From The Bubble? - Port - Business Week, March 19, 2004

Reducing Confusion about Fusion - Crum, 2003

Sonofusion: The Sound and the Fury - Port, Business Week 2003

"Observations of Single-Pulse Sonoluminescence"
M. J. Moran, R. E. Haigh, M. E. Lowry, and D. R. Sweider Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California
ISU pair creates Sonoluminescence 
Chan - Nano Thoughts: Cold Fusion Makes a Mini Splash
'D2O Fusion' - Russ George

'D2O Fusion' 
Cold Fusion Is Really Solid-State Fusion


Cold Fusion Breakthrough?   -  Haiko Lietz

The [Solar] Energy Challenge 2004 -  Murray Duffin

Big News on 'micro fuel cells'

"Other alternatives lie in the future, with hydrogen, when used in an electricity-producing fuel cell, being touted by many as the obvious replacement for gasoline.  ..  Hydrogen isn't cheap to produce, and although potentially it's infinitely available, the cost at  this point makes a mass conversion from gasoline economically unfeasable. ... Until a miracle breakthrough in technology appears -which is possible- the fuel cell floats in the netherworld of technology like cold fusion and a cure for cancer." 

Car and Driver, January 2005, Brock Yates,
'Doomsayers proliferate as oil tops $50 a barrel'

Theoretical and Experimental Reports 
Breakthroughs and News YOU WILL USE
Material Science and Nuclear Physics
involving Palladium, Nickel, Titanium, and More
Cold Fusion Engineering and Up-to-date R&D
Advanced Cold Fusion Systems 
Other Technical Reports
  • JAPAN - Enhanced Reaction Rate of the Li+D Reaction in Metal - Kasagi Tohoku University  
  • ITALY - H/Pd Over-Loading of Thin Pd Wires in Different Solutions -Spallone, Celani, et alia  
  • JAPAN - Nuclear Transmutation Reactoins induced by D2 Gas Permeation through Pd Complexes - Iwamura, Itoh, Kasagi et alia, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries  

  • JAPAN - Substances of Double Structure Cathode ("DS-cathode") Present Essential Conditions Causing Solid-state Deuterium Nuclear Fusion - Arata, Zhang Osaka University
"The journal of the scientific aspects of loading isotopic fuels into materials" 
This is the COLD FUSION TIMES home page
The COLD FUSION TIMES is impressed with the US DOE reviewers and their careful report heralding the beginning of their tardive second look at some of the cold fusion phenomena. 
More in the next issue of the COLD FUSION TIMES
- and coming here at the COLD FUSION TIMES Website
DOE "Report of the Review of 'Low Energy Nuclear Reactions'" (12/1/04): DOE Reviewers NOT Convinced by McKubre's/SRI/Storms' CF RESULTS nor by Hagelstein's Theory for the widely-observed Cold Fusion Phenomena

(Summary: selected experiments and theory by Hagelstein, McKubre, SRI, Storms, et alia
of their own work, taken from all cold fusion results and theories,
failed to impress the 2004 DOE Review Board of 18 Scientists)
Click for entire actual DOE CONCLUSION (pdf) report

The Paper which was submitted to the DOE for review: 
P. Hagelstein, M. McKubre, D. Nagel, T. Chubb, R. Hekman
"New Physical Effects In Metal Deuterides" [~3.5 Megabytes  pdf] 
Review of some of the current R&D in cold fusion
DOE 2004 Report on Some Presented Selected CF Experiments and Theories slams Presenters Click for complete  DOE Review Report (12/1/04)  on the presented work of 
McKubre, SRI, Hagelstein, Jones, and Storms (pdf)

DOE 2004 Report - The 18 Reviewer's Comments 
concerning the Submitted Selected CF Experiments and Theories
Click for actual DOE Reviewers Comments reviewing the work 
of McKubre, SRI, Hagelstein, Jones, and  Storms   (pdf) 

"The Department of Energy, Office of Science, has completed its review of cold fusion ...A person outside of science, but concerned about the possible value of such an ideal energy source, would expect the evaluation to be done with competence, objectivity and a concern for the benefits the claims would give if true. Instead, the effort was flawed by an obvious lack of interest by most reviewers. This indifference is evidenced by serious flaws in their justification for rejecting many of the claims. ... only an indifferent and sloppy reviewer comes to such conclusions based on an incomplete or false understanding of the observations. ... So what did the DoE panel accomplish? ... they demonstrated that the average reviewer may not be willing to evaluate such proposals fairly.... The 18 reviewers' comments are more thoughtful and scientific than the summary report by the DoE, but they still lack objectivity and clarity, in our opinion."
  The LENR-CANR Site [Storms and Rothwell]

Correa criticizes and takes issue with the DOE Report

Critical with calorimetry, choice of experiments and research 
More information about the DOE review

"More research needed into cold fusion, DoE finds  ... Above all, the scientists identified a need for further research in the field of low energy nuclear reactions. “The nearly unanimous opinion of the reviewers was that funding agencies should entertain individual, well-designed proposals for experiments that address specific scientific issues relevant to the question of whether or not there is anomalous energy production in Pd/D systems, or whether or not D-D fusion reactions occur at energies on the order of a few eV,” the DoE report concludes. “These proposals should meet accepted scientific standards, and undergo the rigors of peer review.” .... “The reviewers believed that this field would benefit from the peer-review processes associated with proposal submission to agencies and paper submission to archival journals,” DoE explains."

Research Day - USA Federal departments   Dec 3/04

DOE Report on "Cold Fusion" Studies Recommends More Research
"In late 2003, a team of researchers approached DOE and requested another review of  experimental results to date. Their report, submitted to DOE in July, found experimental evidence for a physical effect that produces heat, the production of helium 4 (the product of fusing two nuclei of deuterium, which is a hydrogen nucleus with an added neutron), and the emission of high-energy particles. ..... In the final analysis, the reviewers were inconclusive about cold fusion's existence, and they recommended specific avenues for new research to resolve the uncertainties in the previous research results."
[News from Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy [DOE]

For More Information on the DOE Report, Reaction


DOE "Report of the Review of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions"
about the McKubre/SRI experiments and Hagelstein Theory
Click for entire actual DOE CONCLUSION (pdf) report

DOE Conclusions:

"Reviewers identified two areas where additional research could address specific issues.  One is the investigation of the properties of deuterated metals including possible effects of alloying and dislocations. These studies should take advantage of the modern tools for material characterization. A second area of investigation is the use of state-of-the-art apparatus and techniques to search for fusion events in thin deuterated foils."

"The reviewers believed that this field would benefit from the peer-review processes associated with proposal submission to agencies and paper submission to archival journals."

Review says many scientists still cool on cold fusion"
Robert Gehrke   - The Salt Lake Tribune (12/3/4)
"WASHINGTON -     “We were asking the Department of Energy whether or not there is a legitimate area of scientific inquiry,” said David Nagel, a George Washington University scientist on the team that sought the review. “While we didn't receive what one would characterize as 'full legitimacy' with the funding and everything else, we took a step in that direction.
    The goal was not to persuade the Energy Department to fund cold fusion research, said Nagel, but to raise the credibility of the research.   The panelists submitted more than 40 pages in comments. Nagel called them a “to-do list” for researchers in the field - recommendations to address questions and concerns raised by the scientific review.
   The reviews were mixed, with about half believing the experiments produced heat, but most finding that low-energy nuclear reactions are not conclusively demonstrated. The reviewers were nearly unanimous that the Energy Department should consider funding well-designed cold fusion tests on a case-by-case basis."
Brief Summary of DOE 
"Report of the Review of 
'Low Energy Nuclear Reactions'"(12/1/04)

18 anonymous DOE reviewers “split approximately evenly” on whether or not there is excess power observed in the cold fusion phenomena.

  • Two thirds of the DOE reviewers are not convinced that the source of the excess power is as McKubre/SRI/Hagelstein purport although the calorimetry was improved since 1989.
    The current reviewers identified a number of basic science research areas that could be helpful in resolving some of the controversies in the field, two of which were: 
    1) material science aspects of deuterated metals using modern characterization techniques, and

    2) the study of particles reportedly emitted from deuterated foils using state-of-the-art apparatus and methods.

    Click for entire actual DOE CONCLUSION (pdf) report
"US review rekindles cold fusion debate
Energy panel split over whether experiments produced power"
Geoff Brumfiel - Nature (12/2/04)
"The debate started by Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann isn't over yet.  Claims of cold fusion are intriguing, but not convincing. That is the conclusion of an 18-member scientific panel tasked with reviewing research in the area. ... According to the report, the panel was "split approximately evenly" on the question of whether cold experiments were actually producing power in the form of heat. But members agreed that there is not enough evidence to prove that cold fusion has occurred, and they complained that much of the published work was poorly documented. Although the reviewers remained sceptical, they were nearly unanimous in their opinion that the energy department should fund well-thought-out proposals for cold fusion. "

Warming Up to Cold Fusion - Weinberger, Washington Post
"The Department of Energy went to great lengths to cloak the meeting from public view. No announcement, no reporters. ...While the review was of cold fusion in general, the primary focus was on Hagelstein and McKubre. They chose the material, wrote the review paper and even selected the presenters." 
"Two-thirds of the reviewers commenting on Charge Element 1 did not feel the evidence was conclusive for low energy nuclear reactions, one found the evidence convincing, and the remainder indicated they were somewhat convinced."
DOE on SRI/McKubre/Storms/Hagelstein 
and the other presenters' cold fusion experiments and theories (12/1/04)

"Many reviewers noted that poor experiment design, documentation, background control and other similar issues hampered the understanding and interpretation of the results presented.
DOE on SRI/ McKubre/Hagelstein/Storms
and the other presenters' cold fusion experiments and theories (12/1/04)
"Evidence on Cold Fusion Remains Inconclusive
New (DOE) Review Finds"
Kenneth Chang  New York Times 12/1/04
"I think the new review has shed some light on the status of research that has been done over the last 15 years," said Dr. James F. Decker, deputy director of the science office in the Energy Department. "We have never closed the door to cold fusion proposals."

"This was a very, very scientific, very level-headed, review by everybody," said Dr. Kirby W. Kemper, vice president for research at Florida State University and one of the reviewers of the oral presentations. But Dr. Kemper said, "I don't think we've made much progress since '89 in really nailing down the parameters that make it reproducible.

From just before the DOE REVIEW:

McKubre's ICCF-11 Summary regarding his presentation to the DOE 
ICCF-11 Presentation: Update on the DOE Review

 "In response to the above request, the Office of Science agreed to a peer
review of the experimental data and supporting theory since the 1989 ERAB
review. ...Together with supplemental material, said document was submitted to DOE in July 2004"
Report of the DOE Review of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
BLOGS+ on the DOE Decision:
Pure Energy Systems
Half Bakery
Daily Kos
"The journal of the scientific aspects of loading isotopic fuels into materials"
ISSN# 1072-2874 Published Quarterly  ©2005 JET Technology
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(below) Time-integrated Power and Energy, and inclusion of several ohmic controls, determines cumulative efficiency, loading energy, and reveals tardive excess thermal power

       Want Information on a different, better-characterized, Cold Fusion System?
  Want Information on a better-characterized, Cold Fusion System with theoretic explanations of the observed physical findings and means to create them using the Phuson, Q-1-D loading, and Bremsstrahlung-thermally corrected theories which explain the high energy nuclear reactions and the observed products?)
=====>   JET Energy

           JET Energy Products

Introduction to Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion Science (introduction to the engineering and material science) 

JPublic Open-House Cold Fusion (ICCF-10) Demonstration at MIT

This is the COLD FUSION TIMES home page
"The journal of the scientific aspects of loading isotopic fuels into materials"
 ISSN# 1072-2874
  IEEE - Spectrum -  Cold Fusion Back From the Dead
Cold fusion and the late, great, Dr. Eugene Mallove
Final Interview in August/Sept 2004 issue of UFO Magazine (pp.10-13)
"Dangerous Science"  Popular Mechanics 8/04 
Cold Fusion and the DOE  (complete printable form)
Popular Mechanics Article in Sections: 
"Dangerous Science'  - August 2004 Popular Mechanics
Reversing a 15-year-old policy, the DOE ordered an evaluation of cold fusion
Excess heat and Conflicting Theories
Two Deaths and Two Mysteries
   Seeking Answers From Cold Fusion Review -  Kowalski
What really happened to Cold Fusion
Dr. Brian Josephson, 1973 Nobel Prize winner, inventor and physicist was the keynote speaker 
at ICCF-11, the International Conference on Cold Fusion
Dr. Brian Josephson speaks out for cold fusion
"Pathological Disbelief" Dr. Josephson

 "Science in neglect: Nobel laureate speaks out for cold fusion" 
Haiko Lietz, July 8th, 2004
 US Navy Report on Cold Fusion 

Vol.I, 3.5 Meg ~121 pages (pdf file)

Vol. II, 42.8 Meg !  ~178 pgs

From France - Review of ICCF-10 (Biberian)


From Germany - The fight against the cold fusion (Lietz)

From England -Fusion alternative to fossil fuels  (Josephson)

From Japan - Report of Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Kozima)
Cold Fusion Energy Production

 JET  ICCF-10 Demonstration at MIT

"Your source for the best, highest quality, information, and for the complete story"
 JET Energy  - Introduction to Cold Fusion
Three ex-Presidential Candidates Said "Yes"to a Proposed US DOE 
or NASA Office of Unconventional Energy-
Dr. Eugene F. Mallove
Cold Fusion - Another Look - Dr. Bob Hieronimus 


21st Century Radio (Audio Archives)

US Patents - Chan - US Patents are Getting Warmer..and Warmer?
 JETEnergy  - Energy Production 
 Cold Fusion Heats Up (CBC, mp3 available)

Alternative Science - Milton

Data Versus Dogma:  The Continuing Battle Over Cold Fusion

For more information on the DOE Review and Cold Fusion News


Theoretical Framework for Anomalous Heat and 4He in Transition Metal Systems

Deuteron Fluxing and the Ion Band State Theory

Calorimetric Principles and Problems in Pd-D2O Electrolysis

Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems, Final Report

Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System, Vol 1

Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System, Vol 2


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Ken Shoulders - EVO Charge Clusters
Ken Shoulders - EVO Charge Clusters - 
The Good The Bad And The Ugly

ICCF-10 Low Voltage Nuclear Transmutation

Charge Clusters In Action
This is the COLD FUSION TIMES home page

Your very best on-line and periodical published source of scientific information on cold fusion and some similar clean alternative energy systems. Latest updates including IP (patent), business, and environmental aspects of cold fusion.

 'Heating up a cold theory' - July 27, 2004 Boston Globe
 JET Energy
Dr. Eugene Mallove Brutally Murdered
 A Few Words to Our Friend, Dr. Eugene Mallove (pdf)
Tributes to Dr. Mallove 
also see "Infinite Energy"

 Update on "Infinite Energy" Magazine
"Problems, Progress & Prospects of Cold Fusion" - Nagel  (mp3   10 Mb
10th International Conference on Cold Fusion Cambridge, MA

"15 Years of Progress in Cold Fusion Research" - Beaudette (mp3  9 Mb) 
 April 6 , 2004, @ MIT Lincoln Laboratory

McKubre - Beaudette NPR interview   (mp3   12.3 Mbs) 11/ 2002
New Energy Times

US NAVY Papers on Cold Fusion

Infinite Energy Articles -  Mallove (pdf)

Key Experiments That Substantiate Cold Fusion Phenomenal - Mallove

 Cold Fusion Memo to the White House - Mallove

ASTI-5 & ISCMNS Report - -McKubre

ICCF-11 - October 31 to November 5, 2004 Marseilles, France

 U.S. Department of Energy Will Review 15 Years of CF Research

DOE to review a new batch of claims in cold-fusion quest" Fifteen years after the University of Utah made the now infamous announcement that two of its chemists had produced "cold fusion" in their lab, the U.S. Department of Energy will review a new batch of claims by other researchers."
Cold Fusion FAQ
 Physics Today - DOE Warms to Cold Fusion

 Letters to Physics Today regarding the Article

Dr. Mallove's MIT report
 On-Line Analysis of Errors in some Early CF Papers - Krivit


ICCF-11  The International Conference on Cold Fusion -  Marseilles, France
October 31-November 5, 2004.

ICCF-10 Abstracts (pdf)

ICCF-10 Proceedings LENR subset

March 2003 APS Cold Fusion Meeting

Energy Prdxn
Introduction to Cold Fusion
Adv. Systems
ICCF10 Demo
10K Driver
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