A one and a two and a three and a...

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I love playing music. In fact, if I could, I'd rather sit home and compose or play songs from my favorite artists (like Elton John) all day! Of course, I'd starve and be foreclosed on but....

With my Yamaha P-200 Digital Piano (the best feel and sound out there, if not very portable), Roland XV-3080, Korg 05R/W and fully operational PC based, Steinberg Cubase SX digital recording studio, I've undoubtedly dropped more dough on this "hobby" than into my 401K plan! Just ask the great folks at my friend, Fred Bramante's, Daddy's Junky Music stores. Especially the Burlington, MA location! (Is that good, Greg?) Of course, the musical instruments, as quickly as they depreciate, are probably a better investment at this point!

I do miss playing in a group, but the computer based sequencers and multi-timbral synths are the next best thing! I'm currently working on an album. Maybe I'll throw some samples up here soon? Who knows? You can never tell!

Steinberg Makers of the finest digital audio workstation on the PC platform today!
Cubase SX The heart of my Digital Audio Workstation.
HALion Steinberg's Software Sampler. Virtual instruments sound almost as good as the real thing these days!
Malmsjö Piano A completely sampled, almost 2 gigabyte, piano lovingly crafted. This instrument has amazing character and sounds beautiful!
Echo Audio A great 24-bit/96KHz professional audio card company!
Mine's the Echo Mona!
Roland U.S. The best hardware synth sounds on the planet! Except the trumpet sounds!
Korg Why do their synths look like BMW's?
DSP-FX I used to use hardware reverb from Alesis. Now I prefer this software package! Very nice and classy sounding!
AudioTechnica A terrific microphone, for a great price!
Event Electronics They originally marketed Echo Audio cards. Now, I use their excellent 20/20bas near field sound monitors. Nice flat response, but a bit light on the bass at times.

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